News About: Pharm. Industry

Is the Exclusive Sale Rights a system only for top listed pharmaceutical companies?

The industry has paid attention on the pharmaceuticalamendment followed afteradoption the Patent Linkage System Sales Restriction Rights, which is pending in the National Assembly. An argument has been raised that th...

The rate of coverage on event holders for academic conferences will be increased to 30% next year

When turning in an application for support to hold an academic conference next year, an association or a society need to cover 30% of its total expense minus luncheon symposiums. The policy is followed by the approva...

Emergence of an online payment system between pharmaceutical companies and healthcare institutions

It has been noticed by the pharmaceutical industry that mid-sized pharmaceutical companies have adopted systems to manage online transactions. The Daehan Pharmaceutical Industry Association (chairman Duk-hee Yu) and ...

“The multinational pharmaceutical companies’ increasing market shares will cause loss of pharmaceutical sovereign power”

The domestic drug invigoration campaign led by the Korea Pharmaceutical Distribution Association has been proliferated receiving active responses from the pharmaceutical industry. The director of the domestic drug in...

Continuous IPOs of the Korean cosmetics companies next year

The blossom of the securities market definitelywas the cosmetics market. The stock price of Amorepacific Group, the top Korean cosmetics company, recorded KRW 2.068 million per a stock on 13 August 2014, which became...

“The drug price systems to restrict drug prices are obstacles forthe patient accessibility and pharmaceutical development”

Argumentswere suggested that the Insurance Benefit Policy weakenspatient accessibilityto drugs and also leads negative influences on development of the Korean pharmaceutical industry. In order to improve this, the in...

The number of people reserved per a medical doctor was 461 while the one per a pharmacist recorded 1,543

It is estimated that 461 people are reserved to an active medical doctor, and 1,543 people are reserved to a pharmacist. The number of people reserved for other healthcare services have been decreased, compared to 10 ...

Listed pharmaceuticalcompaniesare intensified with dependency on the multinational pharmaceutical companies’ business network

It is indicated that listed pharmaceutical companies are making growth depended on product sales of multinational pharmaceutical companies. According to the YakupDotCom’s analysis of quarterly reports of the third qu...

Korea United Pharm has been accelerated by the passing of the TEVA’s actual inspection inits manufacturingfacilities

The Korea United Pharm’s (executive director Duk-young Kang) completed pharmaceutical product factory has been passed for the actual inspection of TEVA. Korea United Pharm, in the last February, has made a contract w...

Clear opinion differences on controversy of the 1st Generic Exclusive Sale Rights

It is known that the industry has been controversial over opinion differences on the Exclusive Sale Approval System, also known as the 1st Generic Exclusive Sale Rights, which has been taken adoption for granted as a ...

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