News About: Pharm. Industry

The Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association decided to keep the Exclusive Sales Rights…small and mid-sized pharmaceutical companies blew up with sadness

While the Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (KPMA) has made its decision over the Exclusive Sale Rights, it seems that small and mid-sized pharmaceutical companies have shown sadness on the decision. On ...

ETC drug-centered mid-sized companies are focusing on investment of OTC drug businesses

It is known that Mid-sized pharmaceutical companies, which had been concentrated on ETC (Ethical) drugs, begun to pay attention and actively invest on OTC (Over The Counter) drugs. They have launched new OTC drugs in...

Due to pharmaceutical rebate policy enforcement,sales promotion of listed pharmaceutical companies has been weakened

Due to impacts such as pharmaceutical rebate policy enforcement, it is indicated that sales promotion of pharmaceutical companies has been weakened. According to the YakupDotCom’s ( analysis of quarterl...

‘Difficult explanation’over the lobbying of the Pfizer Korea’s ‘Xalkori Cap’

When it comes to lobbying of the Pfizer Korea’s ‘Xalkori Cap’on the Drug Price Evaluation Committee (DPEC), the Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service (HIRA) has continuou...

Ildong, Kwang Dong and Daewoon spent more than KRW 25 billion on advertisements

As interests in invigoration of OTC (Over The Counter) drugs increases and advertisement channels vary, advertisement expenses of listed pharmaceutical drugs are showing increases. Moreover, it is indicated that ther...

“The adoption of the Exclusive Sale Rights will only benefit pharmaceutical companies”

The pharmaceutical industry has paid attention on enforcement of the Patent Linkage System and the ‘Exclusive Sale Rights’ of the system. The Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (KPMA) held a press confere...

1.5 of 10 employees in pharmaceutical companies are working as a researcher… Green Cross had the most with a 27% ratio

It is known that 1.5 of 10 employees working in pharmaceutical companies are in research and development (R&D) fields. According to the Medipana’s data of the ‘Current Ratio of...

Il-Yang Pharm exports ‘Supect’ to the top Russian pharmaceutical company, R-Pharm

Il-Yang Pharm (president Dong-yeon Kim) will export the 18thKorean new drug ‘Sepect (generic name: radotinib)’ to the top Russian pharmaceutical company “R-Pharm (CEO Vasily Ign...

Who is the professional manager of a pharmaceutical company with the most payment?... Il-jae Jung and Won-bae Kim

Among board members of pharmaceutical companies, the person who receivedthe most accumulative payment in the third quarter turned out to be president Dong-Yeon of Bukwang Pharma. Additionally, CEO Jung-suk Kang of Do...

The Merck’s M&A over Cubist benefits Dong-A ST

It is analyzed that the Merck’s Merger and Acquisition (M&A)with Cubist will benefit Dong-A ST. Cubist, a pharmaceutical company specializing in antibiotics, which taken over by Merck, is a company that has acquiredt...

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