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109 products including Tamifly selected as National Essential Pharmaceutical Product

109 products, including the novel swine-origin influenza A(H1N1) treatment ‘Tamiflu,’ were selected as the national essential pharmaceutical product, and will be stably supplied. The government(Office for Government ...

“Safety of cervical cancer vaccination was reconfirmed”

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(Director Jung-Ki Suck) held the Special Committee for Compensation of Vaccination Damages(Chairman Jung-Gon Kim, Seoul National University College of Medicine) on t...

KSPM appointed Executive Janssen Korea Director Sung-Ja Cho as 12th President

The Korean Society of Pharmaceutical Medicine(KSPM) appointed Sung-Ja Cho, an executive director at Janssen Korea, as the 12th new president at its 2016 regular general meeting held at the Catholic Univ. of Korea Seou...

46% of local clinics will receive benefits of tax reduction

The Korean Medical Association(President Moo-Jin Choo) gave an active welcome towards the fact the amendment to the Special Tax Treatment Control Law which includes an article to include clinic-level medical institute...

Huons, Han Wha, Daewon & IntroPharm lost patent trial of ‘Regpara Tab’

At the patent nullification trial for ‘Regpara Tab,’ filed by multiple companies like Huons, the Korean Intellectual Property Tribunal made a favorable ruling for the patentee, ‘Shire-NPS Pharmaceuticals Inc.’ Accord...

2017 MOHW budget finalized at KRW 57.6628 trillion

The 2017 Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) budget was finalized at KRW 57.6628 trillion. The MOHW’s budget which passed the National Assembly on the 3rd of December was decided at KRW 57.6628 trillion increased by...

Pharmaceutical exports reach KRW 3.33 trillion

The last year’s pharmaceutical exports were KRW 3.33 trillion, accounting for 0.56% of the total Korean exports. According to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, the 2015’s total pharmaceutical exports were KRW 3.3...

LG Life Sciences’ 2017 General Personnel Reshuffle to strengthen vaccine business

LG Life Sciences Ltd.(CEO: Il-Jae Jeong, President) held a corporate board meeting on December 2, and carried out the 2017 LG Life Sciences General Personnel Reshuffle. Through...

Prosecution starts to investigate rebates on well-known pharmas, arresting hospital directors

While the major rebate cases which hit the industry this year are coming to an end, the pharmaceutical industry has paid sharp attention to investigations on influential pharmaceutical companies being conducted. The ...

Court’s decision will become watershed to arrest Hanmi’s employees over delayed notice

In terms of the case of Hanmi Pharm which caused short sales and delayed notice issues about its technology export, the court is about to announce the result of its investigatio...

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