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52 ingredients added to bioequivalent tests.

The KFDA's bio-equivalent test program has extended additionally to the total 52 new ingredients, 31 for the 2nd from Sept. this year and 21 for the 3rd schedule from Sept. 2003 following the first 24 ingredients as o...

Recognition for Sales Job of Result Pay System Leaded to Change

Pharmaceutical manufacturing companies carry out the result pay system to boost morale and endow with motive for salesmen, and the recognition for them is changing as salesmen who received considerable result pay on t...

Quasi-drug registration transferred to district KFDAs.

The quasi-drug administration including its registration, control and penalties against any violation will be transferred to the district KFDAs taking effect from Jan. 1, 2002 according to the revised provision pertai...

Kun Wha Pharmaceutical Co Diversified its Business by Taking Over Kukje Whajae

Kun Wha Pharmaceutical Co decided to take over Kukje Whajae, a nonlife insurance corporation. Kun Wha Pharmaceutical Co held the board of directors on 9th and decided to take over Kukje Whajae, and bought fifty tho...

Medical circle, Strongly Copes With Discretionary Preparation Act of Pharmacists

Medical circle is establishing a plan to strongly cope with the discretionary preparation act of pharmacists. Following that Gyonggi-do Medical Association recently launched a research on the actual condition for p...

CEOs of Domestic Companies Expect This Year's Business to be "Cloudy"

Most chief executive officers (CEO) of the domestic higher rank pharmaceutical manufacturing companies expected the business of pharmaceutical industry would be considerably difficult this year and expressed a will to...

Yungnam Pharm. Wholesale Association to denounce contract with Zuellig.

Yungnam Pharmaceutical Wholesale Association comprising of 10 drug wholesale companies including Kyungdong, Kwangsang, Dongwon, Boksan, Samwon, Samwha, Sewha, Woojung and Chungshipja gathered together on Jan. 9 and de...

3-strikes-out penalty to apply against prescription business collusion.

Pharmacies shall not use a similar name of medical institutes. Any business collusion related with prescription issuance between medical institutes and pharmacies shall be penalized for so called 3 strikes-out, meanin...

Impossible to Use 'Chinese Medicine' Terms for Health Product Name

For the product names of health-supporting foods and special nutrition foods, the term of 'Chinese medicine' can not be used and the term of 'nutrition medicine' can not be inscribed. Korea Food & Drug Administrati...

Relay Demonstration to Urge Solution for Stock Medicines

The Korean Pharmaceutical Association rushes into a strong action to prepare a solution for stock medicines, the principal offender instigating management aggravation. KPA (Korea Pharmaceutical Association) announc...

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