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Reduction in Drug Price by 3.5% for 348 Items of Discount & Premium

As a result of examining specifications of insurance medicine trade for the third and fourth quarter last year, an action of reducing drug prices by 3.5% on average will be taken for the 348 items with confirmation of...

KPTA Revived Market Exploitation Corps to Pick Out New Market

New export markets into Central & South America and Africa will be intensively exploited this year. Export promotion team KPTA launched last October to promote exports of local pharmaceutical industry announced its...

Analysis Systems at All Times Constructed for Medical Charge Request

HIRA (Health Insurance Review Agency HIRA) plans to construct an analysis system at all times for intensive management of public health medical information and medical charge request to establish an order of requesti...

Stress on Creating Fair Competition Climate by Observing Rules

With review of Fair Trade Commission for the amendment of fair competition rules as a turning point, Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association plans to strive for creating a climate of fair competition to rapidly...

Legislation for basic law of life ethics on spurt.

Recently the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) publicly invited "21th century frontier project team" for "the cell applied research and development project unit" but found problems of the life ethics, which ur...

Braille on packages first adopted by Aronamin.

Aronamin Gold (Il Dong's multi-active vitamins) and Optagent eye drops (Samil's artificial tears) adopted the braille on their package for the first time in Korea for eye handicap peoples. These products will be launc...

KMA, Rushed into Collection of KW30 Billion to Abolish Separation

Is the Medical War Revived? Korea Medical Association held 'national doctor resolution gathering to abolish the current medical & pharmaceutical separation that failed and protect national health' at Jangchung Gym ...

No prosecution despite prevalent business collusion.

Despite the prevalent business collusion between medical institutes and pharmacies after the medical reform program, no single case of prosecution has been made, but number of violation over the pharmacist's free disp...

Local Autonomous Entity & Civil Enterprises Prepared a 'Nest' for Bio-ventures

Facing a will of government to foster biology technology industry and revival period of BT industry, local autonomous entity and civil enterprises competitively prepared a 'nest' for bio enterprises, actively supporti...

No progress on bulk drug exports last year.

The major items of pharmaceutical export, bulk drugs, hardly found a breakthrough for further export progress. The total bulk drugs were exported overseas in the amount of about U$442 million, showing 1.2% ...

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