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KFDA is to Dispatch the First Overseas Resident Authorities in China

Korea Food & Drug Administration is to dispatch the first overseas resident authorities in China. Korea Food & Drug Administration announced to the Korean Embassy in China that it decided to dispatch overseas resid...

"Decrease of Injection & Antibiotic Medicine is not Effect of Separation"

Assemblymen of the ins and outs urged to suggest a policy for solving the general problems of medical & pharmaceutical separation at the standing committee of public health & welfare committee of extraordinary Nationa...

Zuellig with enlarged body but narrow positions.

Under the slogan of "distribution modernization" Zuellig launched their drug distribution business in Korea but now encountered a critical challenge. They were enlarged in their structures as resulted from the additio...

Bioequivalence Test Guideline for 50 Ingredients to be Prepared

National Institute of Toxicological Research determined its research projects like preparing bioequivalence test guideline for this year and investing KW3.7 billion into appointing the exclusion from the object items....

Purchasing policy given priority to bio-equivalency proven drugs.

The government actively boosted the bio-equivalent tests by giving instructions for 12 major national hospitals including NMC, Ilsan hospital affiliated to the NHIC, National Cancer Center, Gongju mental hospital, Raj...

"Insistence on Separation Abolition is Just a Make-shift of Public Opinion"

The Korea Pharmaceutical Association (KPA) announced a statement for the request of Korea Medical Association (KMA) that the 'agreement discussing body' should be composed to abolish medical & pharmaceutical separatio...

Notice to our readers

Due to vacation English Yakup Daily will not publish February 11(Monday) 2002, thru February 13(Wednesday), 2002. We resume publication on February 14(Thursday), 2002. - management-

Government to measure soon against expensive drug prescriptions.

An intensive degree of government measures against the expensive drug prescriptions seems to come out soon. In line with the NHI financial stabilization, the MOHW may review the prices especially for the patent expire...

Hot debates on Gleevec between Norvatis and Civic groups

Between the civic groups and Norvatis uncompromising debates over the Gleevec continued without any conclusion, only identifying a far distant view between two sides. A civic group visited to the Seoul Patent Offic...

Dialogues will Solve Different Opinions for Fair Competition Rules

Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (KPMA) and Korea Research-based Pharmaceutical Industry Association (KRPIA) collected their opinions to solve different opinions for some provisions like supporting insti...

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