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Professional education for medication advice needed to develope.

In an attempt to enhance the medication advice skills, it is imperative for the professional education to be developed appropriately in one way or the other. In the master degree thesis written by Hwang Jin-sook of...

Upper ratio limit on gravitation of prescriptions to set 70%

The government guideline of gravitation ratio of physicians prescriptions to a certain pharmacy may be established around the level of 70% in order for the medical and pharmacy business collusion to be blocked in adva...

Establishment of AIDS vaccine plant eyed

In a bid to establish an AIDS vaccine plant at Songdo of Inchon, western part of Seoul, an agreement to incorporate a joint venture 'Celtrion' will be executed on February 25th at a KOTRA convention hall among VaxGen,...

Rubini strain-containing MMR vaccine proven its efficacy

Some efficacy problems of Triviraten Berna, Rubini strain-containing MMR vaccine, have been recently raised by the Weekly Epidemiological Report of World Health Organization. It has been marketed over 15 countries in ...

M&A funds in health and medical sector being promoted

The Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) has recently announced it will further expand its pharmaceutical technology transfer sphere, while funding M&A projects for pharmaceutical firms via its strategi...

Rationales for 6 year pharmacy school system to stress.

The KPA and Pharmacy School faculty group gathered together, pushing major efforts for the pharmacy school year to extend current 4 year into 6 year in the future by illustrating a variety of its rationales and necess...

KIHSA to analyse physician's inappropriate prescriptions.

The Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs (KIHSA) plans to work on the analysis and studies of physician's prescriptions especially to detect its inappropriateness. To pursue better settlement and developme...

KPMA to specify implementation plans for Fair Trade Provisions.

The KPMA took a directorate meeting on Feb. 7 to form a practical level of the Commission for the Fair Trade Orders and prepared more specific implementation plans. The Commission will be organized with the practic...

Milican inj. awarded grand prize for new drug development

Sponsored by Ministry of Science & Technology, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy and Maeil Economic News/TV every year, the Korea Drug Research Association has recently announce...

Purchasing patterns of clients on cold remedies surveyed

The nationwide survey to investigate the purchasing patterns of clients (total respondents: 1,762 persons) on cold remedies was conducted by Best Research conducted from December 20, 2000 to January 4, this year with ...

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