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Hanmi, “We have no problem supplying the only influenza substitute Hanmi Flu”

While the crisis occurred to supply foreign products as the flu virus spreads across the nation, Hanmi Pharm, a company owning the only substitute, announced to put the best eff...

Intensified conflict between pharma distribution industry and MSD over margin cuts

It seems the conflict between MSD Korea, which has pushed forward with distribution margin cuts, and the pharmaceutical distribution industry is going to be intensified. According to the industry concerned, the pharm...

Sleep endoscopy will be covered by National Health Insurance

The Ministry of Health and Welfare held the 19th National Health Insurance Policy Deliberation Committee(hereinafter referring to NHIPDC, Chairman: Vice Minister Moon-Gyu Bang) on the 20th, made a decision to extend t...

1,112 products approved by bioequivalence test this year

The number of pharmaceutical products approved by bioequivalence test this year was aggregated at 1,112 products. According to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, the collective number of products approved by bioeq...

Civic organizations turned in written opinion to justice department for IMS Health’s health information trading

3 civic organizations, including the Civic Interests Center of Citizens’ Coalition for Economic Justice, turned in a written opinion to the criminal department taking in charge of the IMS Health’s health information t...

Hanmi Flu outnumbers Tamiflu in flu medicine market

The market share of ‘Hanmi Flu,’ a Korean influenza treatment, exceeded 50%. According to Hanmi Pharm on the 21st, after the flu watch was alerted, its prescriptions were rapidly increased, which made the market shar...

Yuhan establishes foundation to keep top sales position in pharma industry

Since Yuhan Corporation and Boehringer Ingelheim were agreed to renew their strategic partnership, it was anticipated Yuhan Corporation will keep its top sales position in the industry for a while. Yuhan Corporation ...

Bill to implement ‘drug dispenser’ tabled on 19th

It was observed a bill to adopt the so-called ‘video drug vending machine’ was turned in to the Secretariat of the National Assembly. The Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) stated to turn in the bill to the Nationa...

Yuan & Boehringer’s agreement renewal on major products

On the 20th, Yuhan Corporation(CEO Jung-Hee Lee) announced a strategic agreement for Korean marketing, sales and distribution of Boehringer Ingelheim’s major products with Boehringer Ingelheim(CEO Ki-Hwan Park). Unde...

MFDS’s largest number of voluntary resignations, expecting to resolve personnel congestion

Since the highest number of voluntary resignations were made at the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS), its issue with personnel congestion is going to be partially addressed. According to the MFDS, there were 23...

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