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Green Cross-MSD’s strengthened bond in vaccine through co-promotion for ‘Gardasil’

On the 19th, Green Cross(CEO Eun-Cheol Huh) announced a co-promotion agreement of the MSD’s singles vaccine and cervical cancer, ‘Zostavax’ and ‘Gardasil & Gardasil 9,’ with MSD Korea on the 18th. Under the agreement...

84.5% of Koreans think ‘Enough’ or ‘Too many’ on No. of drugs sold in convenient stores

It was surveyed most Koreans believe there are too many or enough household drugs sold in convenient stores. Since it was a survey result conducted while the government is trying to extend the number of the products ...

2017 KPA agendas, such as ‘Specialized Pharmacist System,’ discussed

The Korean Pharmaceutical Association(President Chan-Hwi Cho, KPA) held the 1st Policy Committee(Chairman Bong-Yoon Kang) and discussed about 2017 project plans and performance results of the 2016’s projects. Accordi...

2016’s outpatient prescriptions reach KRW 11.65 trillion, increased by 10.1%

The last year’s outpatient prescriptions were estimated at KRW 11.6546 trillion, increased by 10.1% from the year of 2015. In its Pharmaceutical Industry Analysis Report, Shinhan Investment Corp. predicted outpatient...

Government, “We’ll invest KRW 525.8 billion into new biotech industry”

The government decided a KRW 525.8 billion budget into the new biotechnology industry, such as development of biomedicines, and announced a plan to actively support it. The government revealed the government’s direct...

Biomedicine exports exceed USD 1 billion last year

The last year’s biomedicine exports of Korea were estimated at USD 1 billion. According to the Korea Customs Service’s export status by product, exports for biomedicines were USD 1.44 billion in 2016. That is, the a...

Will artificial tears, antipyrotics, antacids and antidiarrheals be added as household drug?

While the result of the outsourced research for emergency household products will be unveiled within the next week, specific products which will be extended as household drug have been mentioned in the industry. On t...

Dong Wha Pharm signs export agreement of USD 32 million for ‘Zabolante’

Dong Wha Pharm(Chairman Do-Joon Yoon) signed a license and supply agreement of the quinolone-type antibody ‘Zabolante,’ the Korea’s 23rd new drug, to commercialize in 12 countries, like the Middle East and North Afric...

Government’s plan to nurture biomedicine as future engine

The government will make and follow governmental supporting plans to nurture the biopharmaceutical field as the future engine. The government held the 4th Bio Special Committee(Chairman Nam-Ki Hong, Vice Minister of ...

Green Cross-MSD make explosive growth on ‘Zostavax’

‘Zostavax.’ a MSD’s shingles vaccine co-marketed by Green Cross, has shown an amazing uptrend. According to the industry concerned, Zostavax has drawn a sharp rising curve with approximately KRW 80 billion sales incr...

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