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KoreaBio reappointed President Jeong-Sun Seo and Chairman Byung-Gun Lee

The Korea Biotechnology Industry Organization(President Jeong-Sun Seo, hereinafter referring to KoreaBio) has decided reappointment of President Jeong-Sun Seo and Chairman Byung-Gun Lee in the 5th Presidents’ Board in...

“Despite side effects of Tamifly, health authorities have no follow-up actions at all”

While flu patients have recently occurred for the highest number in the history, the side effect issue of Tamiflu, the bird flu treatment, is getting severe. According to the number of Tamiflu’s side effect reports s...

KPDA to table amendment to Pharmaceutical Affairs Law to fix direct wholesaling by March

The pharmaceutical distribution association is accelerating the process to revise the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law to solve the direct wholesaling issue. The Korea Pharmaceutical Distribution Association(KPDA) announc...

Deliberative assembly for household drugs joined by pharmacy & convenient store fields

A deliberative assembly to adjust emergency household drugs will be participated by the pharmacy and convenient store circles. According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) on the 15th, the total number of pe...

463 pharmacies closed and 493 opened in Seoul last year

It was observed 1 of 10 pharmacies located in the Seoul area either was relocated or changed its name last year. According to the opening and closing status of medical institutes conducted by the Health Insurance Rev...

KPMA appoints former Rep. Hee-Mok Won as next chairman

As the next chairman of the Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association(KPMA), Hee-Mok Won, a former representative of the National Assembly, was appointed. Moreover, 3 people(Daewon Pharm Chairman Seung-Ho Baek, A...

What will change in pharma industry after change of chairman?

The Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association(KPMA) elected Mr. Hee-Mok Won as the next Chairman at the board meeting on the 15th and elected 3 more people in the Vice Chairmen’s Board. They dealt various items ...

Plans on active use of NHIS’s big data

At the briefing for the reporters on the 14th, Big Data Operations Director Seung-Ryeol Jung at National Health Insurance Service(NHIS) stressed infinite potentials about the national service using the NHIS’s big data...

Merck signs co-promotion agreement of ‘Glucophage & Concor’ with Yungjin Pharm

The Merck Korea’s biopharma department, a Korean subsidiary of Merck, signed a Korean co-promotion agreement of the primary treatment for diabetes type 2 ‘Glucophage/ Glucophage XR’ and the selective beta blocker ‘Con...

MOHW, “We’ll strengthen training programs for household product sellers”

The Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) announced plans to create a deliberative assembly to adjust the emergency household products and strengthen the training program for sellers of these products. Minister Jin-Yu...

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