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Pharmaking provided KRW 14 billion rebates to 2,000 hospitals and clinics in Korea

The Fair Trade Commission(Chairman Jae-Chan Jeong, hereinafter referring to FTC) decided to impose a correction order and a KRW 2.169 billion fine on Pharmaking which provided d...

Pharmas’ growth will continue this year, challenging over 10% or even 20% growth in sales

Pharmaceutical companies have set a goal to continue with their double-digit growth rate in this year’s circumstance where it is hard to predict anything. Some pharmaceutical companies, in particular, will encounter a...

Dong Wha Pharm signs exclusive sales agreement of FDA-approved adhesive barrier with Genzyme Korea

Dong Wha Pharm(Chairman Doh-Joon Yoon) signed an exclusive distribution and sales agreement of the deep-cavity wound dressing Seprafilm(adhesion barrier) to Korea with the Sanofi Group’s corporate body of specialty ca...

Pharmas turning eyes to OTC drugs, what is this year’s ‘keyword’ for marketing?

As a part of the growth and profitable business management, pharmaceutical companies have focused on the over-the-counter(OTC) drug market this year. They have made use of various strategies to promote their OTC prod...

Chairman Hee-Mok Won, “It’s is important to harmonize industrial and public values”

Hee-Mok Won, a former member of the National Assembly, was appointed as the 21st Chairman of the Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association(KPMA). The KPMA had the inauguration ceremony of Chairman Hee-Mok Won wi...

Pharmas hesitated in developing generics, showing decrease in bioequivalently-tested drugs

It was observed there were only 96 pharmaceutical products approved through bioequivalence test this year. This is because pharmaceutical companies are hesitated in developing generic products. According to the Minis...

Korean pharma market encroached by overseas companies with imports increased by 19%

Last year, imports of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products were increased by 13.6% compared to the year before. Particularly, imports of finished drugs were enlarged by 19%, which shows the multinational pharmaceutic...

Korea Pharmaceutical Ind. Coop. will be led by Chairman Yong-Joon Cho next 4 years

Korea Pharmaceutical Ind. Coop. held the 53rd regular general meeting on the 28th and decided reappointment of the current chairman Yong-Joon Cho(Dong-Koo Bio&Pharma CEO). Chairman Yong-Joon Cho was appointed as the ...

154 products approved on February, 42 of them(27%) were OTC

Last February, there were 154 pharmaceutical products approved, and 42 of them(27%) were a OTC drug. According to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS), 80 companies newly acquired approval for 154 pharmaceutica...

MOHW starts to prepare for General Development Plans for Secondary Pharma Industry

The Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) will start to prepare for the Mid/Long-term General Plans for Secondary Health and Medical R&D. The MOHW held the 5th ‘Public-Private Council for Promotion of Bio-health Indus...

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