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MOHW, “Household Drug System cannot be repealed while strengthened in safety”

The Ministry of Health and Welfare stated it is impossible to make discussions about the emergency household drug system again. On the 22nd, Director Byung-Choel Yoon at the Ministry of Health and Welfare Drug Policy...

‘Novartis rebate trial’ with no progress

The trial, which has drawn attention since a former Novartis executive who admitted provision of rebates decided to attend as a witness, did not even get started with the witness examination. The Criminal Investigati...

Seoul Pharmaceutical Association, “Government must call off Veterinary Drug Monopolization Policy”

The Seoul Pharmaceutical Association presented a written statement that the extension of veterinary prescription drugs, which will help animal hospitals monopolize veterinary drugs and obstruct patients’ accessibility...

Green Cross wins contract to supply the largest flu vaccines with collective supply of USD 200 million

Green Cross made the largest flu vaccine exports ever. Green Cross(CEO Eun-Cheol Huh) announced on the 20th that the company won a contract to supply flu vaccines of approx. USD 37 million(KRW 41 billion) at the bid ...

Health & Welfare Committee discusses telemedicine only after finalizing reform for Health Insurance Law

It seems it will be difficult to discuss about the amendment to the Medical Law for the implementation of doctor-patient telemedicine even at this National Assembly. The National Assembly Health & Welfare Committee f...

Listed pharmas stingy with contributions to the society, donating 0.15% of sales

Among listed pharmaceutical companies, Kwang Dong Pharmaceutical and Korea United Pharm spent donations more than KRW 3 billion last year. There were, on the other hand, 6 pharmaceutical companies which spent less th...

Prosecution using investigation technique with telecommunication

The prosecution is extending the investigation on pharmaceutical distribution companies. The Eastern Branch of Busan District Public Prosecutor’s Office, which searched and seized the 8 wholesalers – including large ...

KVPA welcomes Zoetis’s decision to supply heartworm preventives to pharmacies

The Korea Veterinary Pharmacy Association(President Sung-Jin Kim, KVPA) expressed an opinion to welcome the Zoetis Korea’s decision to supply heartworm preventive medicines for pets.   This decision was followed by t...

Europe decides to tighten up radiation dose standards, what about Korea?

Advanced countries, like Europe, suggested opinions to tighten up the radiation dose standard on medical devices, such as CT and X-ray, and develop medical devices which follow the standard. At the KIMES 2017(16th to...

KPBMA & KRPIA raised one voice for growth of pharmaceutical industry

Korea Pharmaceutical and Bio-Pharma Manufacturers Association(KPBMA) Chairman Hee-Mok Won and Korea Research-based Pharma Industry Association(KRPIA) Chair Oak-Yeon Kim had a breakfast meeting at Sheraton Seoul Palace...

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