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What is the main reason for low profitability of multinational pharma?
It was observed the multinational pharmaceutical companies’ sales cost rate reached 70%. The ratio was higher than the one of Korean pharmaceutical companies, 60%.
It was criticized, that is, the reason why they have...
War of words between prosecution and defendant over former witness’s testimony
The prosecution and the defense counsel had a tense war of nerves over questioning the former Novartis employee, who accepted provision of rebates via specialized magazines and service companies.
The Criminal Departm...
Pharma distribution field opposes to EZmedicom’s entry to drug bidding market
The pharmaceutical distribution field has made strong opposition to the EZmedicom’s entry to the drug bidding market.
According to the industry concerned on the 18th, Inje Education Foundation, a foundation of Paik H...
Regarding delayed report over Olita side effects, Hanmi will do best not to happen again
Regarding the Board of Audit and Inspection’s audit result that it took 14 months for the SJS(Stevens-Johnson syndrome) occurrence to be reported to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS), Hanmi Pharm explained “T...
BAI, “Hanmi truly delayed the report about ‘Olita,’ but no intention was found”
The Hanmi Pharm’s delayed report on the side effect of ‘Olita Tab’ was officially confirmed.
According to audit result on the Hanmi Pharm’s clinical trial for Olita Tab, requested by the National Assembly, the Board ...
Multinational pharmas with increased sales, but decreased profitability
Multinational pharmaceutical companies which branched in Korea recorded 7% higher sales, but decreased operating profits and net profits last year.
According to the Yakup Shinmoon’s( analysis result of ...
6 of 10 pharma distribution companies recorded increase of sales costs
It was observed 6 of 10 pharmaceutical distribution companies had difficulties with the enlarged sales costs in the total sales.
According to the analysis result of 145 pharmaceutical distribution companies’ 2016 aud...
KPDS, “There is nothing to worry about side effects of Glivec generics”
Since concerns have been raised over the side effects of Glivec generics, a pharmacists’ association made an official opinion, “There is nothing to be concerned of.”
The Korean Pharmacists for Democratic Society(KPDS...
2 of 3 innovative pharmas record operating profit ratio less than 10%
It was observed the innovative pharmaceutical companies’ operating profit ratio was weakened.
According to the Yakup Shinmoon’s( analysis result of 47 innovative pharmaceutical companies’ 2016 audit rep...
MFDS & MOHW to promote high-tech medical device industries, such as robotics and IT
The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) and Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) has decided to discover unnecessary regulations and innovate plans and systems to promote the high-tech medical device industry.