News About: Pharm. Industry

The R&D expense increase rate of pharmaceutical companies in KOSPI was 3 times higher than the one for the KOSDAQ

It was estimated that R&D expenses of KOSPI and KODAQ listed pharmaceutical companies increased respective 16.5% and 5.4% up in the first half compared to the same half of the year. Pharmaceutical companies listed in...

Listed pharmaceutical companies have shown extremely high dependency towards the domestic market

As a method to overcome the depression of the domestic market, pharmaceutical companies have aggressively tried to expand to the foreign market, but were observed to make unsatisfactory outcomes. This is because dome...

The domestic pharmaceutical manufacturing does not keep up with growth of the entire manufacturing industry

It was known that the domestic pharmaceutical production has shown poor growth. The Korea Health Industry Development Institute unveiled through its recent report, ‘2014 Global Pharmaceutical Industry Trend,’ that th...

The top-ranked pharmaceutical company in the first half’s annual salary was ‘Dong-A Socio Holdings’ in 2015

It was observed that the average annual salary of employees working in Korean pharmaceutical companies was approximately KRW 47.25 million on June this year. A company paying the highest salary to its employees was D...

Why did domestic pharmaceutical companies decide to ‘import’ generic products?

Domestic pharmaceutical companies focusing on the production of generic products have been reversely being importing generics. The phenomenon is interpreted as their strategy to resolve dilemma in development and to p...

Introduced products of pharmaceutical companies in KOSPI keep increasing, recording 35% in average

Listed pharmaceutical companies’ dependency on sales of introduced products has been continuously increased. According to YakupDotCom’s( analysis result of introduced product sales of 60 pharmaceutical ...

Pfizer Korea notified the ‘ERP reduction’ focusing on its consumer department

Pfizer Korea is going to conduct personnel reduction in a year and half. According to the industry concerned on the 27, Pfizer confirmed to conduct the Early Retirement Program...

What are reasons for decreases in sales promotion expenses of listed pharmaceutical companies?

It was analyzed sales activities of listed pharmaceutical companies have been suppressed in the first half of the year. According to YakupDotCom’s( analysis result of the first half’s reports turned in ...

KPMA and KRPIA states ‘Sincerely ask for a kind drug price policy, Appointee Jung’

Director of the Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association(KPMA) and presidents of the Korean Research-based Pharma Industry Association(KRPIA) held a meeting at the Palace Hotel Seoul on the 25th afternoon, discu...

The average liquidity ratio of listed pharmaceutical companies is 227% while Ilsung Pharmaceuticals recorded the highest

It was surveyed that the average liquidity ratio of the current domestic pharmaceutical industry was 227.2% in the first half. The ratio was decreased by 2.1%p from the same half of the last year(229.3%), but most lis...

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