News About: Pharm. Industry

Is there nothing favorable about the growth of the pharmaceutical business?

Does development of the domestic pharmaceutical industry depend on multinational pharmaceutical companies? In the first half of the year, listed pharmaceutical companies grew 9.6% and 7% in sales and business profit,...

A cooperative circumstance has slowly been made among domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies against the Real Transaction Drug Price Reduction

While the ‘second movement’ has been raised to delay and improve the ‘Real Transaction Drug Price Reduction,’ the Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association(KPMA) and the KRPIA(Korea Research-based Pharma Industry...

Most technique exports – LG Life Sciences, most product exports – Yuhan Corporation

It was surveyed that LG Life Sciences is a pharmaceutical company with the most foreign technique exports and Yuhan Corporation is a pharmaceutical company with the most generic and foreign raw material product export...

The company with the highest sales per employee was Kwang Dong Pharmaceutical with KRW 460 million in the first half

It was surveyed that among listed pharmaceutical companies, the company with the highest sales ratio per employee was Kwang Dong Pharmaceutical with KRW 460 million in the first half of the year. Huons, on the other h...

The cashable assets held by listed pharmaceutical companies are approximately KRW 1.88 trillion

The size of listed pharmaceutical companies’ cashable assets is observed to be the highest ever with KRW 1.9 trillion.  According to the YakupDotCom’s( analysis result of the first half’s reports made b...

The reason why domestic tetravalent influenza vaccines are ‘chicken ribs’

It seems that domestic tetravalent influenza vaccines will become ‘chicken ribs’ this season, meaning that chicken ribs have nothing to eat but still hesitate over just throwing away. The reason why the vaccines will...

Listed pharmaceutical companies reduces entertainment expenses due to the shrinkage in business activities

As business activities of pharmaceutical companies have been restricted by various aspects such as strengthening the rebate control, their expenses for entertaining clients have been reduced. According to the YakupDo...

‘80%’ of pharmaceutical companies have a liabilities ratio less than 100%, showing decent financial soundness

It was surveyed that the average debt ratio of domestic pharmaceutical companies was 58.1% in the first quarter. The average was increased by 3.3%p compared to the one in the same quarter of the last year, but they se...

Hanmi Pharm owns 12 improved new drugs, ranking the top, followed by Chong Kun Dang with 10 products

The number of new improved drugs developed by domestic pharmaceutical companies from 1993 when they first begun to actively develop them was 107 products of 27 companies, averag...

‘Green Cross’ owns the highest number of new drug development pipelines

Which company, do you think, owns the largest new drug development pipeline? Moreover, how many new drug development pipelines domestic pharmaceutical companies own? According ...

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