All Type of News
Listed pharmas very ‘decent’ in financial soundness
Although most listed pharmaceutical companies were evaluated decent in financial soundness, but 1 of 5 listed pharmaceuticals have a poor financial structure with a debt ratio close to 100%.
According to the Yakup Sh...
KOSDAQ’s 1st quarter sales growth rate 4 times higher than KOSPIA
It was observed the KOSDAQ listed pharmaceutical companies’ year-on-year average sales growth rate of the 1st quarter was 4 times higher than the ones of KOSPI listed pharmaceutical companies. On the other hand, KOSPI...
Antihypertensive ‘Edarbi’ acquires approval from MFDS
Takeda Pharmaceuticals Korea(CEO Mahender Nayak, hereinafter referring to Takeda) announced ‘Edarbi(potassium azilsartan medoxomil),’ an essential hypertensive treatment, acquired commercialization approval from the M...
Amplified concerns for delivery problem and return crisis after enforcement of serial number system
While there is only a month left for enforcement of the real-time serial number reporting system, there have been worries about delivery problems and crisis of return to medical institutes, such as pharmacies.
When i...
Prosecutor’s investigation tightens pharmas and wholsalers
Pharmaceutical distribution companies have been sharply tense.
This is because the prosecution’s rebate investigation seems to continue.
Even on the 30th when a result of investigation targeting a specific pharmaceu...
1 of 3 listed pharmas record operating profit rate more than 10%
1 of 3 listed pharmaceutical companies recorded an operating profit rate more than 10%, but there were also about 10 companies having the rate approximately at 3%, which showed the intensified polarization in profitab...
Listed pharmas focusing on cashable assets due to uncertainty followed by political turnover
Due to uncertainty caused by the political turnover, listed pharmaceutical companies were analyzed to focus on securing cashable assets.
According to the Yakup Shinmoon’s( analysis result of KOSPI and K...
Dongkoo Bio&Pharma, top sales company in dermatology, working on IPO
Dongkoo Bio&Pharma(CEO Yong-Joon Cho) has selected NH Investment & Securities as its stock firm and gotten on an IPO process by filing a screening to the Korea Exchange on the 25th. The amount of stocks expected to be...
Would it be illegal to inject a drug to pets, but purchasing it at animal pharmacy is okay?
When it comes to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs’(MAFRA) action of allowing everyone to exercise subcutaneous injections, a series of veterinarians have started to make written opinions to stand ag...
Fierce opposition to top pharmaceutical companies’ distribution margin cuts
The pharmaceutical distribution industry has strongly opposed to the Korean top pharmaceutical companies’ recent drug distribution margin cuts.
According to the industry concerned, it was told a Korean pharmaceutical...