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3 opposing parties critical on Minister Nominee Neung-Hoo Park while Justice Party positive

The industry has paid attention if Health and Welfare Minister Candidate Neung-Hoo Park recently nominated by the Blue House will pass a confirmation hearing the nominee. The 3 opposing parties have focused their opi...

Pharma distribution industry active in upgrading distribution system

After the grace period for the Real-time Serial Number Reporting System is extended to 18 months, pharmaceutical distribution companies have accelerated the process to improve their distribution system. According to ...

Chong Kun Dang runs new global drug for treatment of dyslipidemia

As new clinical trial results of dyslipidemia treatment were recently revealed in the U.S., ‘CKD-519’ being developed by Chong Kun Dang has raised expectations. CKD-519, a new dyslipidemia drug with a new mechanism t...

How will AI impact on medical services and human life in the future?

Opinions were suggested that a role of doctors will be enlarged in the treatment field based on various cases of Watson, an artificial intelligence(AI) doctor. It was predicted, moreover, the future AI technology will...

Handok completes construction of plaster factory, firming foundation to become total healthcare company

After getting ‘Ketotop,’ an attachable arthritis treatment, by acquiring the Pacific Pharmaceuticals’ pharmaceutical business in 2014, Handok has once raised competitiveness in the penetration product field by constru...

MOHW Candidate Neung-Hoo Park stresses ‘Sound Market Economy & Social Safety Network’

As a minister, Minister Candidate of Health and Welfare(MOHW) Neung-Hoo Park made various suggestions, such as the national responsibility system for dementia and strengthening of medical publicity as promising sound ...

Jae-In Moon administration’s new health and welfare direction is ‘strengthening of welfare’

As the Jae-In Moon administration selected a welfare specialist as a candidate for the first Minister of Health and Welfare, the government set the future policy direction towards ‘welfare.’ On the last 3rd, the Blue...

CorePharm Bio wins patent dispute against ‘Astellas, a multinational pharma

CorePharm Bio(CEO Jung-Tae Kim) announced that the Patent Court ruled the company’s A-Care Tab(generic name: solifenacin fumarate) does not infringe the Astellas’ solifenacin substance patent on the 30th of June. The...

Deliberative committee for adjustment of emergency household medicines to tighten information security

The Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) announced to strengthen security to prevent leak of information about adjustment of emergency household medicines. While the next deliberative committee for adjustment of emer...

Increase of approvals for OTC drugs

It was observed approvals for OTC medicines, which have been slow lately, are increasing this year. According to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS), there were 1,016 pharmaceutical products newly approved bet...

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