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Minister Neung-Hoo Park promised to resolve national responsibility for dementia, uninsured benefits and social vaccines

Minister Neung-Hoo Park of Health and Welfare(MOHW) suggested a blueprint of the MOHW’s healthcare policy based on the government’s 5-year road map. When it comes to the healthcare field, he emphasized publicity, mak...

MOHW, “It’s hard to judge if lecture and consulting fees are rebates”

In the circumstance where indirect illegal rebates on healthcare providers to support symposiums have recently become an issue, the Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) are also worrying about a yardstick for judgment...

264 increase of pharmacies across the nation this year, making the total 22,333

It was observed there were 254 more pharmacies across the nation this year, but Ulsan, among the total 17 cities and provinces, was the only one which had a decreasing number of pharmacies. According to the Health In...

MFDS creates tracking management system for patients taking cutting-edge biologics

As a method to create a safety control system of biologics, a tracking management system will be prepared for patients taking cutting-edge pharmaceutical products. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) announced...

Pharma distribution industry’s concerns over minimum wages increase

Pharmaceutical distribution companies are seeking for measures in response to various unfavorable factors, such as reduction of distribution margins for specific products, downscale of client distributors from pharmac...

Health and Welfare Committee selects confirmation hearing for Minister Candidate Neung-Hoo Park

The National Assembly Health and Welfare Committee(Chairman Seung-Jo Yang) selected the progress report of the confirmation hearing for Neung-Hoo Park, a candidate for the Minister of Health and Welfare, on the 21st. ...

Daewoong completes EMA application of ‘Nabota’

‘Nabota,’ a Daewoong Pharmaceutical’s botulinum toxin, will enter the European market. EVOLUS, a European partner of Nabota, said it has completed a process of the marketing au...

Japanese pharmas stingy in donating money as social contributions

Although Japanese pharmaceutical companies branching in Korea are growing up with product quality and marketing power, they are criticized to neglect social contributions of corporate profit, which are a fundamental d...

Will Pfizer become a new power in health functional food market with new ‘Centrum’?

Pfizer will release 6 new types of ‘Centrum’ to successfully settle in the health function food market. The consumer healthcare department of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Korea(CEO/President Dong-Wook Oh) held a press conf...

Drug stores record highest sales and operating profits in franchise field

Among major franchise types, the pharmaceutical field is observed to record the highest sales and operating profits compared to others. Recently published by the National Statistical Office(NSO), the ‘Franchise Stati...

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