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Can this happen to me even without signature for rebates?

As a chairman and owner of an influential pharmaceutical company group was arrested for suspicion of rebates on the 7th, other pharmaceutical companies have paid sharp attention to where the case would go; in the mean...

Dong-A Socio, "We'll do our best to explain suspicion during trials"

When it comes to the fact its chairman was arrested on the 7th, Dong-A Socio Group announced on the 8th “The court’s arrest decision was not whether it decided guilt and innocen...

First Korean cholera patient infected from traveling Philippine

The Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(Director Eun-Kyeong Jeong, KCDC) requested travelers to follow the infectious disease prevention rules, like a proper way to washing hands and safe dietary life, a...

Rep. Choon-Sook Jung tables a bill to install and operate national trauma center

The Minjoo Party Rep. Choon-Sook Jung representatively tabled a partial revision bill to the ‘Mental Health Enhancement & Welfare Service Support Law for Mental Patients’ containing legal grounds to install and operat...

MFDS indicates 6 substances of synthetic marijuana as temporary narcotic, like 5F-PCN’

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) newly indicated 6 substances that are illegally used as a narcotic in Korea and other countries, including ‘5F-AB-FUPPYCA,’ as a temporary narcotic on the 7th of August and g...

Vice Minister Moo-Young Yoo of Food and Drug Safety retires; Busan Regional Director Jung-Bae Park as strong candidate

As Moo-Young Yoo, a vice minister at the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, retires, the industry has paid attention to a new person to the position. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) announced Vice Minister ...

Consultative Group for Drug Serial Numbers will have first meeting on August

In order to settle the Drug Serial Number System in the distribution field, a consultative group with a wide range of associations and organizations will have the first meeting on August. According to the Ministry of...

170 recalls for pharmaceutical products last year, accounting for more than 10% of the total

The number of recalls was the total 1,603 cases last year, and 170 of them were pharmaceutical products. The Fair Trade Commission analyzed the number of recalls from government bodies, such as Ministry of Land, Infr...

Insurance benefit committee accepted benefits of Olita Tab and Tagrisso Tab on August

Hanmi Pharm’s ‘Olita Tab’ and AstraZeneca Korea’s ‘Tagrisso Tab’ were recognized propriety of the health insurance benefits. The Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service’s Health Insurance Benefit Evaluation Comm...

MFDS stressing on biologics, but paying no attention on synthesized drugs

It was criticized the government’s one-sided support on biologics has depressed moral of the pharmaceutical industry, which played a role as a protector of the national health, focusing on synthesized drugs. The Geun...

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