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Discrimination on synthesized drugs over biologics in drug pricing

It was criticized synthesized drugs have been discriminated also in drug pricing due to supports leaning only on the biotech field. A source from the pharmaceutical industry reported there were different drug pricing...

Only 3 medicines developed in Korea with manufacturing performance more than KRW 50 billion for 5 years

A product which was manufactured the most for 5 years between 2012 and 2016 was reportedly Boryung Pharm’s ‘Kanarb.’ Moreover, there were only 3 products which were manufactured for more than KRW 50 billion in the pe...

Pharma industry creates ‘quality and quantity jobs’ based on job security and property of rewards

While the government is pushing hard on its job creation policy, the pharmaceutical industry is observed to create quality and quality jobs much better than other industries. Korea Pharmaceutical and Bio-Pharma Manuf...

MOHW first designates 4 hospitals and clinics excellent in attracting foreign patients

As part of the enforcement measure to evaluate and designate medical institute inviting foreign patients, the Ministry of Health and Welfare(Minister Neung-Hoo Park, MOHW) announced to finally designate 4 medical inst...

MFDS active in supping development of Alzheimer-type dementia treatments

While the pharmaceutical industry has been active in developing combination drugs improved in safety and effectiveness, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) will support pharmaceutical companies for development ...

Why do pharmaceutical distribution companies have to wait until medicines get expired?

Pharmaceutical distribution companies have appealed difficulties due to some pharmaceutical companies’ policy to take back expired medicines. According to the industry concerned, it was told a pharmaceutical company ...

Listed pharmas cashable assets closed to KRW 2 trillion

Cashable assets listed pharmaceutical companies owned were estimated to reach KRW 2 trillion. Yakup Shinmoon( analyzed 60 KOSPI and KOSDAQ listed pharmaceutical companies’ 2017 2nd quarter reports, and ...

Labor-Management-Government Joint Declaration for Health and Medical Fields with 400 people concerned

The ‘Labor-Management-Government Joint Declaration for Health and Medical Fields to Create Quality Jobs,’ the first joint declaration among labor, management and government at an industrial level, was held with 400 pe...

Distribution companies’ additional workloads for reading plastic-wrapped barcodes

Pharmaceutical distribution companies are reportedly having difficulties in reading barcodes created by specific pharmaceutical companies. Thus, it was criticized the association must take actions to address the issue...

5 listed pharmas can’t even pay interest payable from earnings

5 listed pharmaceutical companies including Cho-A Pharm and Samsung Pharm were observed to be financially difficult to even pay interests of their debts from earnings, showing a poor ability to pay debts. 6 companies...

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