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6,400 hospitals and clinics and 7,100 pharmacies opening during Chuseok holidays in Korea

The Ministry of Health and Welfare(Minister Neung-Hoo Park, MOHW) announced to provide information about hospitals, clinics and pharmacies to minimize inconvenience and prevent overcrowding for emergency rooms by lett...

MOHW, “Wholesalers are not allowed to sell medicines by the piece”

Pharmaceutical distribution companies have made civil complaints to the government so that they can dispense medicines by the piece, but the Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) expressed an opinion of denial. The MO...

KPA decides to form ‘Special Committee for International Nonproprietary Names Program’

The Korean Pharmaceutical Association(President Chan-Hwi Cho, KPA) held the 9th Executive Directors’ meeting for the year of 2017 on the 21st and decided to form the ‘Special Committee for the International Nonproprie...

Trend to switch delivery services for online drug shopping malls from same-day to overnight

Pharmaceutical distribution companies are seeking for ways to make their delivery system efficient by various methods, such as delaying deliveries or minimizing the number of deliveries in the online medicine market. ...

Number of pharmacists short of about 7 thousand within 3 years, MOHW considers to increase pharmacist students

As it was suggested that the number of pharmacists would not be enough to the population in the future, the Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) is reportedly reviewing to increase the maximum number of students in co...

What are results of Eastern Branch of Busan District Public Prosecutors’ Office’s rebate investigation for wholesalers?

The Eastern Branch of Busan District Public Prosecutors’ Office is expected to decide whether to indict the wholesalers for rebates within this month. According to the industry concerned, the prosecutors’ office is k...

Definition of ‘Financial Benefits’ raised at Novartis rebate trial

While the Novartis’s rebate trial continues, a definition of the ‘provision of financial benefits,’ which the prosecution claimed as a base of indictment, became a topic of conversation at the trial. The defense argu...

Narrow difference between awareness and reality of Korean health care systems

Koreans have relatively a high level of awareness and reality on integration of the health and medical systems, and the difference between the two aspects is relatively narrower than other countries. On the other hand...

MFDS & MSIT starts ‘National Dementia Research and Development Committee’

The Ministry of Health and Welfare(Minister Neung-Hoo Park) started the ‘National Dementia Research and Development Committee’ to establish 10-year dementia research and development plans of Korea with the Ministry of...

Recruitment of clinical trial applications addressed in smart phones

Korea is a powerful country in clinical trials and has the highest smart phone and high-speed Internet distribution rates. Unlike its status, however, the country has no integrated clinical trial information and is li...

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