News About: Pharm. Industry

Drug makers no longer interested in pharmacy market.

Many pharmacy practitioners complained that the pharmaceutical industry did not pay any attention to the retail pharmacy market in promoting their OTC drugs in contrast with their annual practices in the past. Most...

COS certificate should be essential for effective entry into European market

The successful entry of the domestic pharmaceutical firms into the European market requires the acquisition of COS (Certification of Suitability of Monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia), according to the Korea Pha...

Pharmaceutical industry calling for more rational adjustment in drug prices

In parallel with the two-week public hearing on the drug price re-evaluation system which was completed on November 5th, the domestic pharmaceutical industry has called for the government to rectify the following prob...

Anti-smoking supplements contributed to business diversification.

Many different and diversified types of anti-smoking preparations have been launched into the market since the early of this year when the nationwide no-smoking campaign bursted out. It is suggested that the pharm...

Belt-tightening management in domestic pharmaceutical industry is looming

Influenced by the sudden pharmaceutical business downturn in the latter half of this year and uncertain business outlook next year, a growing number of domestic pharmaceutical firms are adopting the restructuring prog...

Bone mineral density level < 3 SD below normal should be lowered

Pharmaceutical business sources say that with the increasing number of osteoporosis patients in the recent years, the current insurance system for osteoporosis drugs should be changed. The domestic market for osteo...

Public hearing not acceptable for reference price system.

The public hearing took place on Nov. 1 over the reference drug price system but faced with overall negative reactions from all participants due largely to the heavier people's financial burdens and the increased medi...

Tylenol to keep its top position in painkillers.

Tylenol, a pain killer tablet sold by Janssen Korea, has been elected as the top brand in the analgesic drug category of "2002 Korea Brand Stars", Korea Economy Daily and NB World Wide reported on Oct. 30. NB World...

Swapping marketing to ignite at pharmacy/supermarket.

So called "Swapping marketing" strategy is emerging briskly to attract the pharmaceutical companies and the home appliance product companies who are seeking for a new distribution channel, which is a sort of conjoint ...

Pharmaceutical industry calling for a three-month grace period under new drug plan

With the drug price re-evaluation system only one month away, the pharmaceutical circle has called for the government to allow a three-month grace period after notice of the new plan, in that they have to handle the m...

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