News About: Pharm. Industry

Bukwang's Clevudine awarded HITEK 2002 grand prize

The Korea Health Industry Development Institute announced it recently selected 10 new technologies involved in R&D news drugs, medical instruments, foods and cosmetics in HITEC 2002 Award aiming at promoting the domes...

Pharmaceutical shares higher amid correction period

There have been some positive signs that the pharmaceutical shares, which have been so far underestimated in Korea's stock market, are regaining their momentum after a prolonged period of time. The pharmaceutical ...

KPMA to form a supporters' association for Dr. Lee Jong-wook

The Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association held a board of directors' meeting on December 4, during which it agreed to form a supporters' association for Dr. Lee Jong-wook, who has run as a nominee for the 6th...

Prices of 547 items are likely to further drop but with minimal influence on industry

The Ministry of Health and Welfare said it has implemented on December 9-12 the current ex post facto drug management system on all medical institutions, including 153 medical institutions unaffected by the ongoing sy...

Accompanied rising of Vitamin C sales along flu prevalence.

As flu patients are ever increasing in number these days due to extreme climate changes, the retail pharmacy enjoys a piggyback sale of vitamins, tonics and other health supplement products, gaining almost a double fo...

WHO approved Cheil Jedang for B hepatitis vaccine

The hepatitis B virus vaccine manufactured by Cheil Jedang was approved after inspecting the company for an overall manufacturing administrations by the WHO, which enables the company to make a sustained supply of B h...

Korea and China to agree exchange of drug trade delegates.

The pharmaceutical industry of China and Korea made a trade delegate team for the reciprocal exchange of pharmaceutical trade matters between two countries including the pharmaceutical exports and direct capital inves...

MSD named Dr. Kim for Chief Research Executive.

Merck & Co in the United States announced on Dec. 2 that Dr. Peter Kim (44), a Korean American scientist, was named for the Chief Research Executive as of Dec. 31. Dr. Kim earne...

Intolerable edge for Government's drug price slashes.

The drug industry encountered critical difficulties in their drug prices that may be further slashed as a result of the government's post drug price inspection in the field during June and Sept. ensuing the recent imp...

Bukwang Pharm to commercialize hepatitis B drug clevudine in 2004

Bukwang Pharm said it would commercialize an innovative hepatitis B drug, clevudine (L-Fmau-102), nucleoside analogue, in 2004, as the phase IIb clinical trials in eight university hospital in Korea, demonstrated its ...

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