News About: Goverment
The Ministry of Health and Welfare and Korean Pharmaceutical Association seem to form Pharmacist policy development committee
The Ministry of Health and Welfare and Korean Pharmaceutical Association seem to form Pharmacist policy development committee to solve a conflict about introducing corporate pharmacy. On this issue of forming the comm...
Last year, Busan recorded the highest average monthly sales in prescription (13.23 million won)
Last year, area with the highest average monthly sale in prescription was Busan (13.23 million won). Area with the lowest average monthly sale in prescription was Chungbuk (11.32 million won). It was analyzed accord...
There are diverse opinions for the purpose of surplus of 8 trillion won from National Health Insurance finance
National Health Insurance finance recorded short-term surplus for three years, so there are diverse opinions for the purpose of surplus of 8 trillion won. On Feb 20, National ...
Rep. Rhee, Mok-hee announced that he will not lay or screen a bill about corporate pharmacyOn Feb 20, Rep. Rhee, Mok-hee announced his position clearly that he will not lay or screen a bill about corporate pharmacy in congratulatory message for regular general meeting...
The number of pharmaceutical companies who received the administrative penalty due to illegal kickback was 26
In 2013, the number of pharmaceutical companies who received the administrative penalty due to illegal kickback was 26 (including duplicates), including 5 multinational pharmaceutical companies such as Novartis Korea....
Korea Hemophilia Society required to withdraw supply cut movement of 'Kogenate FS Injection' of Bayer
Korea Hemophilia Society which is a meeting of hemophilia patients and their parents, criticized health authorities and Bayer due to supply cut movement of 'Kogenate FS Injection'.
Prior to that, on Feb 12, Bayer ann...
There is no solution for the unequal distribution to the large hospital despite the abolition of market based actual transaction price
After the abolition of market based actual transaction price, total prescription cost incentive system is expected to be introduced. However, the voices are coming out that there is no solution for the unequal distrib...
The industry has requested that the Ministry of Health and Welfare should take follow-up measures after the abolition of market based actual transaction price
Market based actual transaction price was decided to be abolished, but pharmaceutical manufacturers industry is not defusing tension. The industry has requested that the Ministry of Health and Welfare should take foll...
Whanin Pharmaceutical received favorable judgement in patent nullity trial of ‘Circustar’
On Feb 13, Whanin Pharmaceutical and KoreaPrime Pharmaceutical received favorable judgement in patent nullity trial which is about SK Chemical's "pharmaceutical compositions containing cilostazol and ginkgo biloba" at...
Consultative group for improving drug insurance system decided to abolish market based actual transaction price
On Feb 14, consultative group for improving drug insurance system held the 8th meeting, and decided to abolish market based actual transaction price. They adopted the measure which can minimize the problem and put emp...