News About: Pharm. Industry

Daewoong Chemical grew up 34% at 45.5 billion won of sales.

Daewoong Chemical reported 45.5 billion won of sales and 11.8 billion won of the ordinary income in 2004, which was 34.8% up from the previous year of 33.8 billion won and 63.1% up of the ordinary incomes from the pre...

Sales of top 29 companies occupied 65% of the total markets.

There are 29 top drug companies selling more than 100 billion won a year and many foreign multinational drug corporations had made a firm market position in Korea. According to Yakup Press survey using the electro...

Leading brand OTC drugs getting revived.

Most of pharmaceutical companies are trying to revive their key OTC drugs that once got very popular in the retail pharmacy markets. For instance, Dong-A's Panpyrin grew up by 20.9% in the lst quarter of this year ...

Sales ranks unable to predict among foreign drug corporations.

It seems to be difficult for the foreign multinational drug corporations to predict their sales ranks this year due to so many variable and complexity in their sales and business operations. Recently, Handok and Sa...

Daewoong to put major efforts for entry of urologic market.

Daewoong has recently launched Bearfina (finasteride) for the treatment of prostate enlargement by blocking a DHT (dihydrotestosterone) production, a causing molecule of the prostate enlargement, thus initiating an en...

Sanofi-Aventis and Handok to tighten a closer partnership.

Sanofi-Aventis and Handok announced to restructure the two parties for a closer partnership in the celebrating meeting under the slogan of "A New Challenge" at Yongpyeong, Gangwon province from May 19 to 20 in attenda...

Macrogene as an integrated agency for DNA chip development.

Macrogene (representative: Park Hyeon-seok) has been appointed as an integrated agency for controlling the center of the DNA chip based on genomics by disease. The DNA chip is a high tech bio engineering technology...

Diabetic Society and Sanofi-Aventis running

Last year the Korea Society of Diabetology ran a 2030 diabetic camp for the 20 to 30s young diabetic patients and now resumed the 2nd 2030 diabetic camp again this year in association with Sanofi-Aventis at Daewoong M...

BGMP certified to 111 companies including Dong-A

As of the end of May 111 bulk pharmaceutical manufacturers including Dong-A were certified with BGMP (bulk good manufacturing practice) according to the KFDA report. The BGMP certification started with Daewoong Che...

Green Cross Vaccine to construct new high tech vaccine plant.

Green Cross Vaccine's new plant has been completed at Shingal, Gyeonggido on May 17 for the production of B hepatitis viral vaccine and pediatric combined vaccines with a double...

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