News About: Pharm. Industry
Industries and academies jointly to exert for stem cell researches.
A topic on the stem cell research has been most prevailed in the local drug industries and academies, admitting it as one of the fundamental approaches to treat diseases and a paradigm of the drug industry.
Yuhan r...
Daewoong sales up to 2Q this year rose 13.95%
Daewoong disclosed the business performance during 2Q (July to Sept) on Oct. 20 as 79.2 billion won of sales, 16.03% up from the same period of last year but 1.29% down compared to the previous quarter, and for the f...
Leading wholesalers to rush merger with wholesalers in Seoul.
It is predicted that leading local drug wholesalers may rush into the M&A with many wholesalers located in Seoul and metropolitan areas, thus Seoul and its vicinity areas becoming an M&A battle fields.
Geopharm rec...
Size of drug companies needs larger through M&AAn industry analyst alleged that in one way or the other possibly through M&A the pharmaceutical company size should make larger than now to compete with the foreign multination...
Wyeth Korea continuously to supply Premarin and Premel.
Wyeth Korea made it clear in connection with the company's earlier announcement for the Rouse Point product plant of Premarin and Premel soon to close that it did not mean to suspend its supplies but, instead, the pro...
Vital House and Taeyang Life Health to agree strategic alliance.Vital House Inc., a health functional food supplement company, and Taeyang Life Health Inc. a distribution company for the retail pharmacy markets, have agreed a strategic allia...
Daewoong jointly to study on functional foods with Pulmuone.
Daewoong and Pulmuone signed a joint research agreement for the development of scientific health functional foods on Oct. 17. The signing ceremony took place via image conference between Daewoong in Seoul and Pulmuone...
Handok to launch combined anti-diabetic drug.
Handok has launched Amaryl-M, a combined anti-diabetic drug with Amaryl (glimepiride) and metformin, which boosts to simulate Insulin secretion and at the same time to enhance an Insulin sensitivity.
Two dosage for...
Yuhan to develop cell therapy with adult stem cell technologies.
Two companies, Yuhan, one of big Koean pharmaceutical companies in Korea, and R&L Bio, one of biotech companies having the most advanced bio pharmaceutical technology in Korea announced to sign a joint research agreem...
3 J&J affiliates to lead social campaigns against breast cancer.3 J&J affiliates, J&J Medical Korea, Janssen Korea and J&J Korea, have launched a social welfare campaign to prevent the breast cancer as a part of their social welfare programs...