News About: Pharm. Industry

Yuyu to celebrate 65th anniversary.

In the ceremony for the company 65th anniversary on Feb. 28 Yuyu declared an aggressive project of new drug development to improve a quality of life. President Kang Seung-a...

2005 sales of Pfizer Korea slow at 255,300 million won.

Pfizer Korea reported 2005 business performances as 255,300 MW of sales, about 0.93% down from the previous year, 44,780 MW of operating income, 2.02% up, 63,863 MW of ordinary income, which was 6,000 MW more than the...

Sanofi-Synthelabo reported 193 BW of sales in 2005.

Sanofi-Synthelabo reported the 2005 business performance for 193 billion won of sales, 19.14% up from the previous year, 36,244 million won of operating income (30.95% up), 28,790 million won of ordinary income, 5 bil...

Vitrosys to complete GMP plant construction.

Vitrosys bio venture company, specialized in wild ginseng culture and production, has emerged as a pharmaceutical manufacturer by completing the construction of a GMP certified ...

GSK to contribute 200 MW for "Cancer Prevention Fund"

CEO Jean-Pierre Garnier of GSK visited Korea on Feb. 24 to 25, and during his two day visit, he took part in a culture evening event performing a Korean traditional fan dance by...

KRPIA member companies spending 122 billion won for R&D

President Maag Timney of KRPIA said on Feb. 24 by quoting the latest statistics released in the United States that the PhRMA, an American research based pharmaceutical corporation group, spent about $39.4 billion (39,...

Yuhan to start production at Ohchang plant.

Yuhan said on Feb. 23 that the Ohchang plant was certified with KGMP standard by the KFDA located at the Ohchang science industrial park. The plant was constructed on the land of 28,000 pyongs for a 15,000 pyongs of t...

Revanex and Zydenar awarded for New Drug Development Prize.

The Korean Drug Research Association nominated Revanex of Yuhan and Zydenar of Dong-A as the 7th Korea New Drug Development Award in the general meeting on Feb. 23. [First APA new drug: Revanex] Revanex develop...

Yuhan agreed exclusive distribution of a hemorrhoid therapy.

Yuhan made an exclusive distribution agreement with Japanese Mitsubishi Pharma on Feb. 22 for an exclusive distribution of "Jion", a novel sclerosis therapy for an internal hemorrhoid. The therapy is directly to in...

KRPIA to discuss drug policy development plans with KFDA.

The KRPIA, a foreign multinational drug corporation's group, invited Chief Commissioner of KFDA, Moon Chang-jin on Feb. 22 to hear and discuss the KFDA's 2006 drug policy in att...

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