News About: Pharm. Industry

Slow OTC drug competition to cause overall market decline.

One of the main reasons for the OTC drug market shrinkage these days should be blamed for no competition of major OTC drugs, an analyst said. Before the medical and pharmacy role separation system up to the middle ...

KPMA seeking extension of tax exemption for drug R&D investment.

The KPMA is trying hard to keep extension of the government's tax exemption for the drug R&D investment, which was estimated to 530 BW, by quoting other countries where their pharmaceutical industrial development had ...

KPMA predicted positive list system unlikely successful.

The Pharmaceutical Management Analysis Task Force Team (T/F) of the KPMA said in the 2nd quarter meeting after reviewing the recent pharmaceutical environment changes of the KORUS FTA, the NHI drug pricing policy call...

KHIDI and Novartis to share experiences of new drug development.

More than 50% of 900 new drugs developed between 1981 and 2002 were originated from the natural products by the use of structural biology and natural materials according to the seminar sponsored by Korea Health Indust...

Choongwae to complete hightech plant for parenteral solutions.

Choongwae has completed the high tech production plant for parenteral solutions in the Hanjin agri-industrial park at Dangjin, Chungnam province, after taking nearly 3 years, which was built on the ground of 43,000 py...

Ahngook. in patent disputes with Novarsc.

A patent dispute raised to Ahn gook and Pfizer on Ahn gook's Levotension tab., an generic of Pfizer's Novarsc. Levotension tab. (amlodipine besylate S) was known as a S-isomer of amlodipine, showing an equivalent ...

Wholesalers back door margins going up to 8%.

Amid ceaseless disputes on the wholesaler's back door margins for their customer hospitals, the wholesale community is sensitively expressing their serious concerns about a surge of 8% of black margin. A drug dist...

Industries and hospitals to keep eyes on Veteran hospital's tender.

Veteran hospital invited a public tender for their drug purchase on May 18, triggering keen interests to the pharmaceutical industry because quite a number of popular drugs offered at a below-cost prices and therefore...

NSAID patch markets estimated 130 billion won.

The NSAID patch market has been grown up since 2000, now reaching to about 130 billion won. Dr. Kim Jeong-ju of Pacific Technology Research Institute said in the public hearing on the subject of "the development of...

Public drug advertising obligated to attach "Review passed"

"Advertising Review Passed" should be attached to every public drug advertising, and the attachment table I as specified in the Drug Advertising Preview Regulations for the control of specific drugs of therapeutic gro...

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