News About: Pharm. Industry

GSK disputes JAMA reports on safety profile of Avandia

GlaxoSmithKline said on September 11 that conclusions drawn from the most recent meta-analyses published by Drs. Nissen et. al. and Furberg et. al. in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) do not conf...

Government's tougher stance on health insurance embarrasses multinationals

A number of multinational drug manufacturers have been perplexed by the Korean government's tighter process of screening new drugs for the positive list to restrict their newly-invented drugs into Korea, thus discoura...

MSD to strengthen R&D partnership with Korean research centers

We will increase clinical collaboration with medical centers and biopharmaceutical companies here in Korea, which already has top quality facilities for rigorous testing, according to Bharat Chowrira, licensing direct...

TNT Korea steps up Clinical Express Exclusive Service

TNT Korea plans to double its highly successful Clinical Express solution, such as Clinical Express Exclusive Service, to meet Korea's ever-growing bioengineering industry. C...

Daewoong wins National Productivity Award

Korea Productivity Center announced on September 11 that Daewoong Pharm won the 2007 National Productivity Award, boosting its recognition in segments, including productivity an...

Samsung looking for new growth engines

Samsung Electronics Digital Solution Center is making efforts to diversify future growth engines with healthcare business to survive fierce competition and emerge as a global leader in the future, according to a Korea...

Preliminary results from phase I/II lung cancer trial of mimotuzumab are positive

YM BioSciences Inc., a Canada-based oncology company, announced on September 4 the positive preliminary results from the first two cohorts of the Phase I part of a Phase I/II trial of nimotuzumab in combination with r...

University graduates paid almost 30 million won in 2007

University graduates employed in pharmaceutical companies have received an average 29.5 million won in gross pay this year, according to an online recruiting company, Incruit. In related data, employees in the fina...

Drug makers will not sponsor any scientific meetings

The Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers has recently decided not to sponsor all events to be held by Korea's leading organizations including the Korean Medical Association, the Korean Hospital Association and the Korea...

Green Cross, TaKaRa Bio to develop new cancer immunotherapy

Korea Green Cross Corporation has signed an agreement with TaKaRa Bio Inc., an innovative biotechnology company based in Shiga, Japan, for the joint development and commercializ...

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