News About: Goverment

Remodification of current pharmaceutical affairs law may turn into a new difficult aspect.

In the political circle there appeared with a new movement of overall revising the already revised pharmaceutical affairs law again, sparkling a another sign of difficulties. In the ruling party's supreme commissio...

Overseas drug trade still kept unbalanced.

Korea Pharmaceutical Trade Association unveiled the pharmaceutical import and export data during the past half of the year, showing 3.1% decrease in export at U$308 million over the same period last year in contrast o...

Some indications of Cisapride to be deleted.

The KFDA announced to cancel some indications of Cisapride such as early satiety feeling, hear burn and abdominal distention, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, upper abdominal pain, belching in sour, functional gastric dysp...

Enforced operation of Medical and Pharmacy Cooperative Council urgently needed.

It is widely agreed that a success of the medical and pharmacy separation system largely relies on an earlier establishment and full operation of the Regional Medical and Pharmacy Cooperative Council. If the Regional ...

Substitutive dispensing allowed other drugs than common prescribing items under certain conditions.

Pharmacists shall get a prior agreement by phone, computer communication or fax from whom the prescription issued when pharmacists wish to substitute the drug on prescriptions that included in the most commonly prescr...

Common prescription drugs to report by Sept. 19

The MOHW announced the revised administration regulation pertaining to the list of the most commonly prescribing drugs on Sept. 6 and made it clear that it take effect from Sept. 9. The regulation stipulates that t...

Presidential committee for medical reform to be established.

President Kim Dae-jung celebrated the 37th anniversary of broadcasting day on Sept. 3 and took a TV interview with 3 chief reporters of TV companies. In the interview he announced that a special presidential committee...

Revised patent examination standard for Genome to draft.

The Patent Office announced the lst report over the human genome project to prepare ways in advance to cope with a substantially increasing potentiality of local patent application for the human genome project and a m...

KPA not to participate in negotiation talks between government and medical community.

The KPA withdrew the policy of no accepting any negotiation talks between the government and the medical community but went far aggressive by expressing not to participate in the medical and pharmacy separation progra...

Government launches probe into illegal separation practices from Aug. 4.

The MOHW planned to form watchdog teams by all respective regions to carry out nation-wide probe for 5 days from Sep. 4 into the current illegal practices of the government's medical and pharmacy separation system in ...

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