News About: Goverment

Civic group unsatisfied with government's price slash of drugs.

The civic group deeply regretted the earlier government's price slash of NHI drugs by 7.2% on average, therefore strongly calling for the government to adopt other fundamental measures including the price bidding syst...

Quasi-drug category to be broadly defined.

The KFDA intends to widen the scope of quasi-drug category especially for the non-medical and health related products. The KFDA said that many health related products are being sold by an exaggerate advertising thr...

Basic frameworks of current medical/pharmacy system unchanged.

Mr. Lee Hoi-chang, the president candidate of the GNP confirmed that the basic frameworks of the current medical and pharmacy role separation system would be kept unchanged while other problematic points should be sup...

Ex post facto drug management system is ineffective under new drug plan

Pharmaceutical business sources say that if a new drug price re-evaluation system is firmly established next year, the existing ex post facto drug management system, which has been regularly implemented four times a y...

Efficacy equivalent test on Tiropramide recorded top.

357 drugs with 72 different ingredients have completed their drug efficacy equivalent tests, and the product containing tiropramide Hcl recorded the top with 20 different brands. The KFDA reported that as of Nov. 1...

NHI prices of 2,732 drugs slashed by 7.2% on average.

The drug price review system having adopted this year has made a price cut-off effect by 7.2% on average for 2,732 NHI drugs. The MOHW announced on Nov. 18 that the prices of 2,732 NHI drugs, 22.4% of the total 12...

National projects for antibiotic resistance controls to step in.

The KFDA plans to launch a national project for the antibiotic resistance and its safety controls (hereinafter called "Project") from 2003 in close association with the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Maritim...

Credit card payment permitted for patients of rare diseases.

The KFDA plans to implement a credit card payment system for patients who are suffering from rare diseases in view of relieving patient's physical and financial pains. Some patients of rare diseases have visited t...

Few disease codes on physician's prescriptions.

The disease codes are provisionally required to show on every prescription but in reality found very few, which escalates pharmacies to experience difficulties in giving a good medication advice to patients. The K...

Drug price re-evaluation system to initially apply to 2,900 drugs

The Ministry of Health and Welfare is pushing to implement the drug price re-evaluation system from this December 1st after deliberating the matters of the Drug Assessment Committee by Health Insurance Policy Delibera...

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