News About: Pharm. Industry

More tax exemptions and incentives set for innovative pharmaceutical firms

With the domestic industry promotion law passed Friday, Korea will seek to expand tax exemptions for innovative pharmaceutical companies as part of efforts to stimulate state-run and private companies’ research and de...

Government to help 41 Korean healthcare companies make inroad to US market

The Ministry of Health and Welfare has recently unveiled its plan to support a total of 41 health and cosmetic companies in order for them to advance into the U.S. health technology (HT) market. The “Columbus Proje...

Impact of FTAs on pharmaceutical industry

The free trade agreement with the United States and European Union will have a different impact across industries based on the final tariff agreement. However, the domestic pharmaceutical industry will likely exper...

Hanall loses in lawsuit

Hanall Pharmaceutical lost in a lawsuit the company filed against Baxter Korea for extending the distribution agreement of the latter’s amino acid infusion, which expired on December 31, 2010. The Seoul District Co...

Most pharmaceutical firms sweating over 2011 sales target

A majority of Korean drug companies are struggling to boost their sales this year, industry sources say. The sources say the performance of Korean pharmaceutical companies have been and will be significantly affect...

GS LC opens Korea’s largest health food shop

GS LC says it opened its first health food shop called ‘geeshop’ in Songpa-ku, Seoul, on February 28 and customers can access its shop selling all kinds of health related products, natural cosmetics, health leisure in...

LG Life Sciences to commercialize next-generation influenza vaccine

LG Life Sciences (LGLS) on Tuesday announced an agreement with the US based Novavax, Inc. for the commercialization of the latter’s proprietary, recombinant virus-like-particle (VLP) vaccine technology. Under the a...

Ursa, Zyrtec prices to increase

Daewoong Pharmaceutical will announce today a plan to increase Ursa, one of the most popular liver protectives in Korea. It is expected that the price of Ursa will increase by 10 percent, since there has been a rum...

Samsung to invest 300 billion won in biosimilars business

Samsung Group said Friday it plans to set up a biopharmaceutical joint venture with Quintiles Transnational Corp., a U.S. drugmaker based in North Carolina. The company said the joint venture will be established du...

Boryung’s Fimasartan wins new drug development award

Boryung Pharmaceutical’s new antihypertensive agent Fimasartan received an award from the Korean Drug Research Association. A KDRA spokesman said that Fimasartan received the prize in recognition of its long-standi...

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