News About: Pharm. Industry

Drug makers spend 6.3% of revenue on R&D in first quarter

Details of drug company spending, revealed by Yakup com., showed that the country's 51 pharmaceutical companies on average spent 6.32 percent of their revenue on research and development (R&D) in the first half, much ...

OTC liver protectives sales grow 36% in first quarter

Sales of OTC liver protective in domestic market jumped 36 percent, to 21.5 billion won, in the first half this year compared with the same period from a year earlier, thanks much to companies’ effective advertisement...

Doctors, pharmacists clash over OTC medicines

Disputes are arising between doctors and pharmacists over the controversial issue to allow over-the-counter medicines at supermarkets. While the pharmacists claim that medicines have to be sold to consumers through...

Battle gets fiercer over OTC market

Domestic pharmaceutical firms have waged fiercer campaigns to raise their over-the-counter (OTC) market share amid stronger competition. Daewoong Pharmaceutical’s Ursa advertisement using Korea’s football player Ch...

Gilead Sciences names new Korean CEO

Lee Seung-woo, director of AIESEC Association Korea, has been elected as the new president of Gilead Sciences Korea. The incoming president has served as CEO of multinational pharmaceutical companies, including MS...

Concerns mount over OTC switching system

The planned OTC switching plan of prescriptions is some of the concerns that make Korean drug companies feel uncomfortable, market watchers said. Many say the plan could result in great setbacks for their revenues ...

Kanarb sales at brisk pace

Boryung Pharmaceutical, one of Korea’s leading drug makers, is enjoying brisk sales of its new antihypertensive drug, Kanarb. Sales of Dong-A’s antihypertensive agent recorded over 1.3 billion won since its releas...

Lyrica is reimbursable from this month

From June 1, Pfizer’s Lyrica (pregabalin) could be reimbursed by health insurance, as an adjunct therapy for neuropathic pain and partial seizures with or without secondary generalization in cancer patients. Lyrica...

Court rejects MSD Korea’s suit against FTC

A Seoul court rejected MSD Korea request to cancel the fines imposed by the Fair Trade Commission. The Seoul Central District Court ruled Thursday that the fines for illegal provision of rebates to hospital procure...

Competition to get heated over fentanyl patch market

Daewoong Pharmaceutical and Sandoz Korea are poised to step up their marketing in the fentanyl transdermal therapeutic systems market, which has been so far dominated by Janssen’s Durogenic. Daewoong is expected to...

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