News About: Goverment

21 items to benefit from health insurance as low-priced substitution dispensing drugs

The Health Insurance Review Agency announced on October 7 that 53 items will be eligible for health insurance as their bioequivalence has been established and of these, 21 items is additionally classified as drugs eli...

KFDA to dissolve Central Pharmaceutical Supervisory Squad.

The KFDA decided to dissolve the Central Pharmaceutical Supervisory Squad (CPSS) and 5 delegates to the CPSS have been restored to their regional offices. Accordingly, it may give a worrisome to the pharmaceutical com...

NHIC to probe monthly income of professional employees

The National Health Insurance Corporation unveiled a plan to launch a special investigation into the monthly income of professional employees including pharmacists (less than 3.7 million of remuneration a month) who r...

Frequency of stomach and uterine cancers shows still highest in Korea

A larger proportion of Korean male and female patients with cancer have suffered from stomach and uterine cancer while female patients with uterine neck cancer and breast cancer have shown the highest five-year surviv...

Lawmakers urge HIRA not to extend screening period of EDI-based reimbursement claims

Lawmaker Lee Won-hyung said during the National Assembly's audit of the Health Insurance Review Agency that the government's plan to delay the legal screening period of EDI-based reimbursement claims from the present ...

DRG system very likely to keep holding.

The Diagnose Related Group (DRG) system seems to be finalized around the middle of next month amid hot debates. However, judging by the fact that Health Minister commented to withdrew its absolute implementation neces...

No medical benefits available in many cities and counties.

After the implementation of the medical and pharmacy role separation program, a lot of small and medium hospitals have bankrupted, leaving behind quite a number of cities and counties where no medical benefits are ava...

KFDA formulates a guideline for nomenclature of new drugs

The Korea Food and Drug Administration has recently announced that as Korea is likely to create global new drugs within a couple of years, it formulated a guideline for unified nomenclature of new drugs including Kore...

KMA to raise questions for 6 year pharmacy school system.

The MOHW earlier announced that the pharmacy school system would be extended currently from 4 years to 6 years, for which the medical association raised questions to the MOHW for an official answer on the date of Sept...

Korea's tuberculosis mortality is second rank in the world

The number of tuberculosis patients in Korea is 67.2 out of 100,000 people, 12 times higher than the United Stats and its mortality number is 6.8, which is the second highest in the world following Turkey, said a lawm...

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