News About: Pharm. Industry

Pharmaceutical companies stick to pharmacy sales

Although the Ministry of Health and Welfare announced Friday that it would allow 48 over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, including Bacchus-D drink, to be sold in supermarkets and convenience stores, as early as August, p...

36 KOSPI-listed pharmaceutical firms see market value drop

The combined market value of 36 pharmaceutical firms conglomerates listed on the main bourse has topped 9.99 trillion won as of June 30, said Friday. However, they saw their market value decrease by 777.4 bi...

MSD Korea, Daewoong sign co-promotion deal for Vytorin

MSD Korea and Daewoong Pharmaceuticals have recently entered into an agreement for the co-marketing of Vytorin for the treatment of high cholesterol in the domestic market following their strategic alliance of Foxamax...

Novartis Korea, Dongwha expand cooperation

Novartis Korea and Dongwha Pharmaceutical has recently agreed to further cooperation in over-the-counter (OTC) drugs field. Both company signed an agreement to promote co-marketing of Novartis’s Lamisil, which had ...

Green Cross to boost flu vaccine output

Korean drug-maker Green Cross Corp. said Thursday that it will be able to increase production of a vaccine for Influenza A as about 1 million chicken eggs will be made available per month from a new poultry farm at HW...

Janssen Korea to market Remicade

Starting in July 1, Janssen Korea will have a marketing right for Remicade as a high-stake fight between Merck and Johnson & Johnson over the rights to a pair of lucrative arthritis medicines - Remicade and Simponi - ...

Drug firms silent over OTC sale at supermarket

Attention has been focused on the movement of pharmaceutical companies as the Ministry of Health and Welfare announced its plan to allow 48 over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, including the popular Bacchus-D energy drin...

Boryung’s new antihypertensive agent gets NET certification

Boryung Pharmaceutical Co., one of Korea's largest pharmaceutical companies, said recently that its novel antihypertensive drug “Kanarb (fimasartan)” has received the domestic New Excellent Technology (NET) certificat...

Supermarkets to sell 44 quasi-drugs in August

The Health and Welfare Ministry Tuesday announced, through its recent Notice, a list of 44 over-the-counter (OTC) products plus another four OTCs (liquid digestives such as Gaswhalmyungsu) that would be sold at retail...

SK Chemicals leads cell-culture-based vaccine production

SK Chemicals Co. is working hard to develop the next generation of influenza vaccines as well as pandemic vaccine candidates by utilizing its own cell-culture-based technology. To this end, the company has recently...

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