News About: Goverment
Wholesale association asked for an assessment of Zuellig's contracts to FTC.
Korea Pharmaceutical Wholesale Association (KPWA) raised an inquiry to the Fair Trade Commission (FTC) on May 31 over whether Zuellig's contract be against "the provisions of Article of Incorporation".
KPWA pointed...
KPA mulls strengthened DUR-related drug guidance functions
The Korea Pharmaceutical Association is considering the establishment of a DUR (drug utilization review)-related consultative body and its subcommittee in an attempt to voluntarily make the DUR road map for better dru...
KFDA intention misinterpreted, say officials
Rejecting media reports, the Korea Food and Drug Administration said recently that it did not intend to side with latecomers, such as Daewoong and Yuhan Corp. in the controversial issue involving omission of clinical ...
Korea, Japan put mutual recognition agreement on fast track
As Korea is poised to sign a free-trade agreement with Japan aimed at boosting investment and bilateral trade in 2006 at the latest, the Korea Food and Drug Administration is considering the feasibility to push for th...
Government to expand health insurance allowance benefits
The government will revise regulations to expand the coverage of the current health insurance allowance for patients with chronic disease, the Ministry of Health and Affair said recently.
The changes, which were ou...
HIRA to revise calculation criteria on medical outlays of pharmacy
The Health Insurance Review Agency said it will revise its current calculation procedures for incorporating both drug costs and dispensing charges in the medical outlays of pharmacy via several rounds of talks with th...
KHIDI to tie up with foreign health industrial organizations.
President Lee Kyeong-ho of KHIDI (Korea Health Industry Development Institute) visited to health industrial organizations in Switzerland and Germany including GWZ, an international economic cooperation office in Buert...
Busan KFDA 's education program for narcotic drug controls.
Busan KFDA intends to provide an educational program for about 250 narcotic drug workers at medical institutions in Busan, Ulsan and Kyeongnam province at Emergency Medical Center of Busan National Univ. hospital on J...
Panel to stick to current regulations of manufacturing mangers in number
Despite the recent petition of Samsung Fine Chem. that in the event that there is a job vacancy in the supervision of the manufacturer of drugs, etc. due to a female pharmacist's pregnancy and/or child-delivery, one m...
KFDA to exempt drug reviews on newly registered items.
KFDA disclosed in public the draft of the Drug Review regulation and Narcotic Drug Act on May 24 purported to revise relevant provisions pertaining to the drug review and narcotic drug controls in its terminology and ...