News About: Pharm. Industry

Yuhan teams up with Boehringer Ingelheim

Yuhan Corp. said yesterday that it has established a marketing and distribution partnership with the Germany-based pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim. Under the deal, Dong-A will be in charge of selling Bo...

Ilyang discontinues licensing-out negotiation over ilaprazole

Ilyang Pharmaceutical Co. said in a regulatory filing, Thursday, that it has suspended the negotiation of a licensing-out deal with one of multinational drug makers over ilaprazole, a new investigational proton pump i...

Local drug makers to take severe beating

The country’s pharmaceutical companies will face tough times ahead with the new Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement poised to strengthen patent rights for U.S. drug giants, heaping strain on the generic-focused Korean ind...

Government urged to shore up local pharmaceutical industry

The government needs to assess the damage that its free trade deal with the U.S. would cause in local pharmaceutical sector in the future and map out proper countermeasures, including state compenstation, the Korea Ph...

Stronger patent rights and massive drug price cuts set to corner local drug makers

After four years of circular debate, political feuds and a last-minute tear gas attack, the free trade pact between Korea and the United States is finally set to take effect. The parliamentary passage of the deal brin...

KPMA threatens to boycott drug production

The Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association said Wednesday that it will consider stopping all manufacturing once the price-reduction policy comes into effect. “We will also take legal steps against it,” sai...

Korea-U.S. FTA opens new doors for U.S. pharmaceutical firms

The Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA) was finally approved by Korea’s National Assembly on Tuesday after years on the backburner. The initial negotiations were concluded on April 2, 2007 and the accord w...

Impact of KORUS FTA on pharmaceutical industry

The just-ratified Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA) will have a different impact across industries based on the final tariff agreement. The auto and textile industry export competitiveness to the U.S. wi...

Trade deal corners local drug makers

Domestic drug makers should focus on research and development of new drugs to survive in an era of the Korea-U.S. FTA, experts said. They should pursue the knowledge-intensive industry based on research and develop...

Pharmaceutical firms seeking to improve financial soundness

Korea’s pharmaceutical companies are seeking to set up a stabilization scheme to cope with the government’s massive drug price cuts starting next April, including pre-emptive measures to seek future stability. The ...

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