News About: Goverment

NHI coverage to extend for anti-cancer drugs from Sept.

Effective from Sept. 1, the NHI coverage will be extended to the anti-cancer drugs, anti-vomiting drugs and narcotic pain killers for cancer pains, including anastrozole (Amylidex tab.), capecitabine (Zeloda tab.) and...

KFDA chief commissioner to visit U. S. FDA.

Chief Commissioner Kim Jeong-sook of KFDA visited the U. S. FDA and JIFSAN (Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition) from Aug. 28 to Sept. 1. In her FDA visit she will discuss diverse cooperative plan...

Pharmacies and drug makers shall recall harmful drugs.

Rep. Chung Jong-bok of National Assembly said on Aug. 25 that the relevant provision would be revised to which the pharmacies and drug manufacturers should recall and scrap autonomously harmful drugs whenever found an...

National Assembly to inspect government administration from Sept. 22.

Uri party and GNP met together on Aug. 24 and fixed the schedules for the ordinary session and the government inspection for 20 days starting from Sept. 22 to Oct. 11. The Sept. session of the National Assembly wi...

424 bulk drugs to approved under DMF system.

So called the bulk drug report system that was adopted first in 2002 seems to extend its implementation from coming Sept., showing a new era of the DMF (Drug Master File) system. Under this system, only 424 bulk d...

Government to measure for ailing demographic problems in Sept.

To cope with the society of low birth and high aged, the government, specifically the MOHW, is going to prepare an overall countermeasure policy probably in Sept. as a key player at the Headquarter of Low Birth and Hi...

5000 clinical experts including pharmacists to foster.

Up to 2015 starting from the next year, the total 30 billion won will be spent over 10 years for the purpose of fostering about 5,000 clinical test experts and operating about 15 regional clinical test centers by 2014...

HIRA to declare Charter for Customer Service.

The Health Insurance Review Agency (HIRA) ensured themselves of the customer satisfaction management as the best service provider. The HIRA declared a Charter for Customer Service at Seocho office building in atten...

Only 5% of non-prescription drugs registered.

The KFDA registration of new products during the first half of this year revealed 632 in total, which was slightly lower than the previous year of 684 products, and only 5% of which was a non-prescription drug reflect...

Patients own payment for serious ills to be lightened.

A healthcare provision seems to be revised to an effect that the patient's own payment especially suffering from cancer and other serious diseases would be reduced under the NHI scheme of which all medical charges inc...

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