News About: Goverment
ICDRA, a drug olympic, to open on April 3.
The 12th ICDRA (International Conference of Drug Regulatory Association), a drug olympic, was scheduled to open in Korea for 4 days from April 3 to 6 sponsored jointly by the KFDA and WHO.
The conference will take ...
High competition on a new employment of NITR
The National Institute of Toxicological Research (NITR) wanted for 23 new employment of researchers in the toxicology and hazardous substance research areas, but about 275 candidates including 62 Ph.D applied to the e...
Clevudine, 11th new drug of Korea to approve in May.
The KFDA approval of Clevudine, a drug for the treatment of B hepatitis virus, developed by Bukwang seems to be near at hand probably in coming May, which then will be the 11th new drug developed in Korea.
The KFDA...
KHIDI to set up drug export/import information bank.
It keenly attracted interests to all pharmaceutical trading companies in Korea that the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) established a pharmaceutical trade information bank, a sort of one-stop pharm...
KFDA advising to refrain use of sodium benzoate
In responding to the recent claims raised by the Korean Women's Environmental Network (KWEN) that some of local vitamin drinks contained benzene, the KFDA is intending to advice the industry that the use of sodium ben...
HIRA to ameliorate disputable review standards.
The HIRA said that a computerized data base system was established for disputable review standards to be continuously detected and improved after organizing "Review Standard Monitoring Team".
So far the HIRA has re...
Illegal and contra-indicated drugs to block at early prescribing stage.
The adulterated drugs or contra-indicated drug combination will be blocked to prescribe at early stage.
The MOHW made it clear that the Medical Act should be revised to an effect as aforesaid and passed through the...
Consumers to complain side effects of plaster and ointment drugs.
According to a consumer protection group, many consumers reported adverse reactions of the plaster, ointment or cold remedies largely due to lack of their cautions, abuse or misuse.
Such informations were found by...
Drug makers to obligate self-withdrawal of adulterated drugs.
It seems to be very likely for the revised bill of the pharmaceutical affairs act to pass through the National Assembly during the extraordinary session in April, indicating that a drug maker's self withdrawal of adu...
NHIC to stress NHI security with priority.
The National Health Insurance Corporation (NHIC) reconfirmed that the reinforced security of the national health insurance should be preceded to the policy promotion of the medical industrialization.
The NHIC Seou...