News About: Goverment

NHI medication expenditures to save by 24% within 5 years.

The MOHW announced "Optimization Plan for NHI Drug Prices" on May 3 indicating that within 5 years the NHI medication expenditures should be reduced by 24% by means of adopting so called "positive list system" and the...

Positive list system to enforce in coming Sept.

The NHI drug pricing policy seems to be changed to so called "Positive list system", taking effects from coming Sept. The core principle of the new system lies in the selective drug registration scheme after dete...

MOHW to subsidize 78,400 MW for 378 R&D subjects

The Ministry of Health and Welfare has allocated 78,400 MW of subsidy for 378 subjects of pharmaceutical R&D including new bio-drugs in 6 different therapeutic fields. The MOHW decided in the meeting of the health ...

9 reform projects including user fee on deliberation.

The Medical Industry Development Planning Team of the Offices for Government Policy Coordination (OPC) took an action learning meeting at the KPMA auditorium on May 2 in attendance of more than 62 government officials...

OPC prefers KGMP implementation at cGMP level.

Instead of the rating system for the assessment of drug manufacturers, it is under consideration that the KGMP should be earlier employed at a level of the cGMP (current good manufacturing practice). The Medical ...

6 nature originated new drugs to develope until 2010.

Until 2010 more than 6 new drugs originated from the natural plants will be developed under the government project in Korea. Then, Korea will be the 7th nation in the world R&D of natural drugs. Minister Kim Woo-si...

Additional cancellation of 19 drugs on fraudulent tests.

The MOHW announced that as of May 1 the registration of 19 drugs including Dilaberol and others that were already charged on the bio equivalency test manipulation be canceled and therefore its NHI reimbursement be sus...

FTA damaged drug makers to relieve by "Management stability fund"

The government disclosed a draft of the law pertaining to the trade adjustment support for manufacturers to run a special financial subsidy with "Management Stability Fund" and other trade informations for any possibl...

KPA to counter attack KMA's advertising on test scandals.

Recently the Korea Medical Association heavily put a public advertising covering that the pharmacists should not seek for the substituted dispensing which might be implicated with the recent bio equivalency test fabri...

Label changes of 115 drugs including Tamiflu and Avandia

The KFDA notified a label change for 115 drugs of 9 active substances including Tamiflu and Avandia. Tamiflu label should change its dose to be adjusted for the patients with severe kidney troubles or not to recomm...

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