News About: Goverment
Cancer patient's payment remarkably lightened.
As the national health insurance (NHI) coverage got remarkably extended to patients these days, the cancer patients have received a lot of benefits with less pocket money payments to their medical expenses.
The NH...
Bill submitted to destroy prescription & medical records
A group of 18 lawmakers from the governing and opposition parties have sought a law revision to allow doctors and pharmacists to destroy, without fail, prescription and medical records after elapse of a given period.
KFDA to adopt intensive review system for civil services.
The drug related civil services with simply repetitious and time consuming natures seem to be solved directly by the Drug Affairs Division head by adopting a new program called "Intensive Review system".
For this ...
KFDA approved 92 new drugs in 4 years.
The KFDA has approved the total 92 new drugs during the past 4 years from 2003 to 2006 including 32 new drugs in 2006, which were largely of products filed by foreign multinational drug corporations.
70 new drugs ...
KFDA pushing whole efforts to 5 major issues.
The KFDA announced 5 major projects to speed up in 2007 over the rapid review of new drugs and products, a new GMP settlement, an activation of the drug monitoring and a reinforced supervision of adulterated drugs.
19 clinical trials for biopharmaceutical products approved, KFDA says
The ongoing clinical tests conducted by domestic biopharmaceutical companies numbered 19, pointing to the rapid development of the local clinical experimentation sector, the nation's drug watchdog said recently.
20% of neighbour clinics to prescribe 6 drugs per sheet.
The HIRA 2Q of 2006 Review Report revealed that 21.16% of the neighbour clinics prescribed 6 drugs per a sheet compared to 14.28% of general rehabilitation hospitals, 20.41% of general hospitals and 17.03% of hospital...
Civil group calls for withdrawal of FTA trade-off deal
Leaders from a coalition of civic groups, Korean Civil Society Coalition on Intellectual Property Right (KCSC) and Korean Federation of Medical Groups for Health Rights (KFHR), hold a news conference on January 17 at ...
Government eyes health investment strategy
As part of the nation's ambitious health investment strategy'' aimed at promoting public health, the government plans to provide comprehensive healthcare coverage for the people, according to the Ministry of Health an...
Pharmaceutical camp to create new committee
Eight heads of pharmaceutical organizations Korean Pharmaceutical Association (KPA), Pharmaceutical Society of Korea (KSA), Korean Research-based Pharmaceutical Industry Association (KRPIA), Korean Society of Health-...