News About: Goverment

Government to push for medical law revision

The Ministry of Health and Welfare has recently reaffirmed its resolution to push for parliamentary approval this year, saying that the ministry is open to more discussions with doctors as we promised, but delaying th...

Government mulls big deal with U.S.

The government affirmed its position to seek a big deal with the united States in its attempt to establish a free trade agreement (FTA) during the seventh round of talks scheduled for Washington, D.C. on February 11 t...

KPTA targets $1.4 billion as this year's pharmaceutical export

The Korea Pharmaceutical Traders Associations is continuing its export drive this year. The KPTA said on February 8 that last year's pharmaceutical export amounted to $1.2 billion and set up this year's export targ...

3 drugs including simvastatin to test its bio equivalency.

Earlier the KMA raised questions about the bio equivalency tests of simvastatin preparations and other 2 products, for which the KFDA decided to take retests only. The bio equivalency tests for 3 drugs including si...

Initial clinical study terms to shorten by 1 to 2 years.

The initial clinical study terms for anti-cancer drugs seems to be shortened by one to two years. The KFDA announced "Optimizing plan for non-clinical test data in the clinical study of anti-cancer drug" on Feb...

More than 4,000 products to delete from NHI reimbursement schedule.

Under the positive list system exercise, it is estimated for about 4,000 drugs with no records of production nor billing during the past 2 years to be deleted from the NHI reimbursement schedule. However, the delet...

3,462 incentive drugs available for substitute dispensing

A total of 3,462 incentive drugs, which were endorsed by bioequivalence tests, are available for substitute dispensing at the end of January this year, according to the Health Insurance Review Agency. The Health au...

Consignment bioequivalence testing will likely be scrapped in May

The planned scrapping of consignment bioequivalence testing to ensure its transparency and facilitate the development of generic drugs will be available in May through a variety of procedures under the newly revised r...

Doctors should respond to suspicious prescription, lawmaker says

A medical bill that doctors or dental doctors should explain any suspicious contents of a prescription raised by a pharmacist will be proposed sooner or later, a lawmaker said o...

70 medical centers to undergo clinical test inspection

The government plans to conduct a nationwide, full-scale inspection of 70 clinical centers and their ongoing clinical trials within this year to ensure the safety of subjects, including ethnicity, the Korea Food and D...

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