News About: Goverment

KGSP wholesalers registered in too excessive number.

After the revocation of the required provisions for a wholesaler establishment, number of the KGSP wholesalers has been overflown during the past few years, showing too excessive competitions on the markets. As of...

Bill to promote develop bird flu vaccine planned

As many governments including Korea are rushing to stockpile Tamiflu drugs amid public concerns over a possible bird flu epidemic, the Korean government will give incentives to companies to develop more efficient vacc...

RFID system to try for 5 drugs of Hanmi and other 3 companies.

A RFID model project under "Comprehensive drug control system" was planned to conduct from coming Nov. according to the MOHW announced on May 8. The MOHW said that to enhance the drug distribution transparency and ...

Multinational clinical trials surpass domestic trials in first quarter

The number of multinational clinical trials conducted by transnational pharmaceutical companies in Korea surpassed that of trials by domestic firms in the first quarter of this year, pointing to the rapid development ...

KFDA predicted combined cold drugs convertible to narcotics.

Recently some combined cold remedies are massively sold as a narcotic according to an investigation by Rep. Koh Gyeong-wha of the GNP. Rep. Koh said "The KFDA ignored the incidence even fully knowing earlier about a p...

Government seeks forecast system for asthma, atopic dermatitis

The Ministry of Health and Welfare plans to implement a forecast system aimed at countering asthma and atopic dermatitis, which have been worsening over the past several years. To that end, the ministry will issue...

Korea's pharmaceutical sector could lose up to 50 billion won per annum

A report of 11 government-related organizations released on April 30 said Korea would have to pay at least 50-100 billion won if a U.S.-Korea free trade agreement goes through. However, those from the domestic phar...

Joint IRB to review multicenter clinical studies

The Korea Food and Drug Administration said on May 1 that multicenter clinical trials will be reviewed by a joint Institutional Review Board (IRB) in a bid to ensure more speedy clinical tests for home-grown drugs. ...

Korea drafts plans for FTA-damaged pharmaceutical sector

Following the clinching of a free trade agreement with the United States, the government has drawn up a number of schemes to reap optimal results from the pact. The outline of the plans, submitted to the National ...

Health insurance to evaluate cost-effectiveness on existing medicines

The Health Insurance Review Agency (HIRA) unveiled its plan on April 30 to determine a list of drugs covered by the insurance according to price and efficacy. To this end, the agency will classify a total of 16,529...

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