News About: Goverment

Government to cut antibiotic prescriptions

The government unveiled its plan to reduce unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions at medical clinics, the Health and Welfare Ministry officials said on July 7. The ministry officials found in a recent survey that 21....

Move to allocate new pharmacy school quota provokes protest

The government's move to allocate another 390 students to the quota for newly established pharmacy schools nationwide has provoked criticism from the heads of local universities and pharmacists. The heads of pharma...

Imported in vitro diagnostics to be waived from reporting

Raw materials that will not be directly imported by drug manufacturers, including in vitro diagnostics, will be excluded from mandatory reporting to the Korea Food and Drug Administration from next year. KFDA offic...

Insurance drug price screening procedures to be overhauled

The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Family Affairs said the current price screening procedure will be modified in such a manner that results of the economic effectiveness of new drugs will be directly informed to the ...

Government to assess economic effectiveness of antihypertensive agents

The government has recently unveiled its plan to evaluate the economic effectiveness of insurance-covered antihypertensive drugs by entrusting its study to outside organizations, according to the Ministry of Health, W...

75 drug makers get suspended indictments over blacklisted drugs

The Seoul District Prosecutors’ Office gave suspended indictments on June 26 to representatives and quality control managers of 75 pharmaceutical firms who were indicted on charges of using talc contaminated with asbe...

Health ministry to raise pharmacy school quota to 1,600 in 2011

The pharmacy school quota will be expanded to 1,600, an increase of 390 from the originally fixed number of 1,210 at 20 schools of pharmacy nationwide, when the 2011 school year opens, according to the Ministry of Hea...

Government to increase insurance coverage over 65 medicines

The government announced on June 28 revised terms for 65 drugs which can be covered by national health insurance in terms of medical needs, while 30 medicines, including galantamine HCl, methylphenidate, daclizumab an...

350,000 elderly people to benefit from long-term health care next year

The government plan to expand the coverage of long-term health care to 350,000 senior citizens aged 65 or older, from 260,000 people this year, according to the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Family Affairs on June 2...

OTC validation due July 1

The Korea Food and Drug Administration announced that the obligatory validation system for OTC products is to be implemented from July 1. Under the new good manufacturing practice (GMP) rules, OTC makers, who inten...

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