News About: Pharm. Industry

The top domestic pharmaceutical companies recorded average expected revenue growth of about 8%

On May 29, according to the analysis of profit figure of the top five pharmaceutical companies in the second quarter, it was analyzed that their average expected revenue growth is about 8%. Yuhan Corporation is expec...

Health Insurance Corporation lost 6 cases of lawsuit for returning pharmaceutical fee for synthesizing drug substance against pharmaceutical companies

Health Insurance Corporation lost 6 cases of lawsuit for returning pharmaceutical fee for synthesizing drug substance against pharmaceutical companies. The lawsuit for synthesizing drug substance originated from the ...

KPA and KRPIA expressed different positions on improvement measures for drug price system

On May 29, Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service held debate for 'Health medical regulatory reforms for the communication and development of health care society' in COEX Grand Ballroom hall. Korea Pharmaceutica...

As the period for pre-announcement related to Patent-Approval Linkage System has been terminated, people are getting interested in which pharmaceutical company would receive exclusive right of generic drug

As the period for pre-announcement of Pharmacy law legislation related to Patent-Approval Linkage System has been terminated, people are getting interested in which pharmaceutical company would receive exclusive right...

Which pharmaceutical companies are promising in the second half of this year?

Which pharmaceutical companies are promising in the second half of this year? The stock price of pharmaceutical companies in second half of 2014 seems to reflect operating results and expectations for the pharmaceutic...

Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association submitted a written opinion requesting modification of enforcement ordinance related to illegal kickback

On May 27, Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association announced that they submitted a written opinion requesting modification of enforcement ordinance of National Health Insurance Act related to illegal kickback, ...

The total number of direct purchasing health functional food accounted for 14%

According to the analysis result of overseas internet shopping goods imported through Korea Customs Administration in April this year, the total number of direct purchasing health functional food accounted for the pro...

There suggested an opinion that domestic pharmaceutical companies try to lower distribution margin of wholesaler companies due to pressure of multinational pharmaceutical companies

There suggested an opinion that domestic pharmaceutical companies try to lower distribution margin of wholesaler companies. The reason is domestic pharmaceutical companies are disadvantaged in terms of profit due to t...

Daewoong Pharmaceutical notified acquisition rumor of Daewoong Bio by European pharmaceutical company

On May 26, Daewoong Pharmaceutical notified acquisition rumor of Daewoong Bio by European pharmaceutical company, that "Daewoong Bio is reviewing overseas M & A target including Europe for the purpose of entering new ...

KPA and KRPIA seem to keep pace with the implementation of Patent-Approval Linkage System ahead

Recently, KPA and KRPIA seem to keep pace although they have some differences. Korean Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association and Korea Research-based Pharma Association seems to have choose the way of mutual coexis...

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