News About: Pharm. Industry

Kunwha Pharmaceutical will complete the takeover of Dream Pharma for KRW 194.5 billion

Kunwha Pharmaceutical will complete taking over Dream Pharma by this December. Kunwha Pharmaceutical said through the public announcement of prospectus “It is expected to purchase stocks of the divided created pharma...

The high-ranked pharmaceutical companies now have jumped into co-development of new improved drugs… while risk decreases, competition intensifies

Business trends in the pharmaceutical industry have been changed into a consortium form of participation with multiple pharmaceutical companies to develop a newimproved drug. Especially, the high-ranked pharmaceutica...

An orphan drug 'Jakavi' has got through the barrier of the insurance benefit

‘Jakavi’, which is sincerelywanted by myelofibrosis patients, has finally got throughthe barrier of the insurance benefit evaluation. Jakavi approved in January 2013was revaluated asa non-insurance benefit product bo...

The Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Association will impose ‘severe disciplinary action’ on companies providing rebates for a large number of drugs with expired patents

Advancing on adoption of ethical management into pharmaceutical companies, the Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Association (KPMA) showed aggressive attitude towards rebates. While concerns of rebate temptation for ...

Daily activity cost of a pharmaceutical salesperson is between KRW 25,000 and KRW 30,000

It is observed that daily activity costs given to a salesperson in a pharmaceutical company is between KRW 25,000 and KRW 30,000 in average. The blog called ‘Pharmaceutical Sales Blog’, operated by a pharmaceutical s...

Will the launch of ‘Giotrif’ change the dynamics of the Korean cancer treatment market?

Intense attention has been focused on ‘Giotrif’ calling itself the irreversible ErbB Family Blocker. Boehringer Ingelheim Korea held a press conference to celebrate the launch of insurance benefit for EGFR (Epidermal...

122 expired cases of pharmaceutical product patent in 2014

It is known that the total 122 product patents will be expired by 2014. According to the information about product patents scheduled to be expired, given by the Korean Intellectual Property Office, 122 pharmaceutical...

Decreases in earning rates of pharmaceutical companies are blamed on the ‘Rebate Two Out System’ and the Compliance Program

It has been observed that the earning rates of the top pharmaceutical companies have been decreased. According to the pharmaceutical industry, the phenomena was explained through passivity on marketing activities due...

The pharmaceutical industry’s friendliness to get closer with the public

The pharmaceutical industry’s efforts to come closer to the public have been noticed. Friendliness and interactions have been shown to the public. Active communication has been made in different measures, such as del...

Charges for the Nagoya Protocol on the pharmaceutical industry will easily exceed 100 billion

As the Nagoya Protocol has taken effect, it is expected that charges to use genetic resources in the biopharmaceutical industry will reach from KRW 70 billion to KRW 98 billion. The Ministry of Food and Drug held the...

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