News About: Pharm. Industry

Would Remsima save KRW 64.5 billion every year?

A statistics has been unveiled that medical expenses of the Crohn’s disease in U.K., Italia and France will decrease KRW 419.6 billion down for 5 years if the Celltrion’sbiosimilar‘Remsima’launches. In this statistics...

Celltrion unveiled various clinical study results of ‘Remsima’ in Europe

At the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organization (ECCO)that has been held at Barcelona, Spain, since 18 February, Celltrion unveiled the result of 6 researches to targetinflamma...

Foggy psychological warfare between Green Cross and Ildong Pharmaceutical regarding M&A

It seems that conflictstriggeredby the Green Cross’s ‘Shareholder Proposal’between Green Cross and Ildong Pharmaceutical will be prolonged. Ildong Pharmaceutical (CEO Jung-chi ...

Kwang Dong and Jeil has newly entered KRW 500 billion sales… there are now 8 companies in total

The top 2 pharmaceuticalcompanies, Kwang Dong Pharmaceutical and Jeil Pharmaceutical, had newly entered KRW 500 billion sales in 2014. Therefore, there are now the total 8 companies exceeding KRW 500 billion sales: Yu...

Handok recorded the lowest price again among generics of Sevikar after Baraclude

HandokTevahas triggeredcompetition for the lowest generic price in this early year.Followed by the chronic hepatitis type B treatment, Baraclude, it is now generics of the hyper...

Xeljanx, the oral rheumarthritis drug, will receive the insurance benefit from this March

It will now be available to manage rheumarthritisonly with oral drugs2 times. The Ministry of Health and Welfare had made an administrative notice for the amendment of ‘details...

Green Cross has sent the official announcementregardingits position of the ‘Shareholder Proposal’ to Ildong Pharmaceutical

It is observed that Green Cross has sent an official announcement to Ildong Pharmaceutical on the 16th. Green Cross has not mentioned about ‘M&A’ in the official announcement a...

Chong Kun Dang will conduct joint marketing with Allergan Korea on eye disease treatments

Chong Kun Dang (CEO Jung-woo Kim)had an agreement ceremony at Grand Hyatt Seoul on the 13thfor joint marketing with Allergan Korea over two types of eye drops for ophthalmologic...

OTC departments of Bayer and MSD will become one by the first half of the year

Followed by the GSK-Novartis collaboration, Bayer and MSD have begun a procedure for the domestic collaboration of their OTC (Over The Counter)departments. According to the ind...

The countdown for the joint corporate of Novartis and GSK has begun

Emergence of a joint corporate between multinational pharmaceutical companies has started the countdown. When their final procedures are finished, a gigantic OTC drug company will come into the world. According to th...

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