News About: Pharm. Industry

The HIRA decided to reorganize the Drug Reimbursement Evaluation Committee due to the Xalkori’s lobbying incident

The Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service (HIRA), embarrassed by the Xalkori’s lobbying incident, decided to reorganize the Drug Reimbursement Evaluation Committee (DREC). The purpose of the reorganization is ...

AstraZeneca asked for code of ethics to pharmaceutical distribution companies

It is noticed that AstraZeneca requested application of ethics code to its trading pharmaceutical distribution companies. According to the industry concerned on the 6th, AstraZeneca distributed questionnaire of ethic...

Huons sells ‘Nicorett’ to enter the antismoking treatment market

Huons, a pharmaceutical company listed in KOSDAQ, entered the antismoking treatment market. Huons (CEO Jae-gap Jeon) and Johnson & Johnson Korea unveiled on the 6th that they s...

Series of partnerships with multinational pharmaceutical companies

Not will everyone who tries achieve a result. The business keyword of 2015 in the domestic pharmaceutical industry is definitely the ‘Global Expansion’. Many companies are challenging towards the goal, but few compani...

26 multinational pharmaceutical companies spent KRW 21 billion on social contribution in 2014

It is observed that multinational pharmaceutical companies spend 0.44% of their sales on social contribution funds in 2014. According to the survey titled the ‘Current State in Social Contributions of Multinational P...

28 generics of Cialis have burst out for a month on March

Generic approvals for the impotency drug, ‘Cialis’, have burst out for a month on the last March. According to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety’s current state of pharmaceutical products on March, ‘tadalafil’ dru...

KRPIA is seeking for coexistence and cooperation with domestic pharmaceutical companies

The association of multinational pharmaceutical companies having business activities in Korea, the KRPIA (Korea Research-based Pharma Industry Association), is actively seeking cooperative measures with the domestic p...

Annual sale performance were KRW 350 million per an employee in listed pharmaceutical companies

It is known that annual sale performance was KRW 350 million per an employee in listed pharmaceutical companies last year. There were also 3 companies with more than KRW 600 million sale performance per a person: Hwa...

Annual wages of employees in listed pharmaceutical companies exceeded KRW 50 million per a person

It is observed that employees working in listed pharmaceutical companies received more than KRW 50 million in average. According to the YakupDotCom’s analysis result of 2015 business reports turned in by listed pharm...

Dong-A Pharmaceutical’s Bacchus challenges KRW 200 billion for the first time as a pharmaceutical company in Korea

Price of the typical health drinks in Korea, Dong-A Pharmaceutical’s ‘Bacchus’ and Il-Yang Pharm’s ‘Wonbi-D’, will be raised in 1 April (today). As an initial matter, wholesale...

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