News About: Pharm. Industry

Hospitals and clinics will temporarily prohibit entry of pharmaceutical salesmen due to the spread of MERS

Now, hospitals and clinics started to restrict entry of pharmaceutical salesmen due to MERS. According to the industry concerned on the 9th, since the number of diagnosed MERS(Middle East Respiratory Syndrom) patient...

Generics of Janumet will be poured out like Januvia

After enforcement of the Patent Linkage System, domestic pharmaceutical companies have been attracted to a complex, Janumet, as well as Januvia. Although it will take for at least 8 years for their launches, domestic...

Boehringer Ingelheim won the lawsuit for Micardis Plus

Boehringer Ingelheim Korea won a lawsuit for the formulation patent of Micardis Plus against the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. The 6th Division of the Seoul Administrative ...

Yuhan Corporation and GSK established the joint sales agreement for the influenza vaccine

Yuhan Corporation (President Jung-hee Lee) announced that it established a strategic partnership agreement for the co-marketing of the first domestic tetravalent influenza vacci...

Will differentiation of Daewoong Pharmaceutical be magnified in the Baraclude market?

Daewoong Pharmaceutical will challenge to the type B liver cancer treatment. According to the industry concerned, Daewoong Pharmaceutical and CTC Bio have been approved for gen...

The pharmaceutical industry with a long face due to MERS

MERS can be different even if it is the same type of a virus. The pharmaceutical industry, which often received reflective benefits from outbreaks of virus, has been rather making a long face since the emergence of ME...

The ethical issue of foreign companies to recruit personnel of a competing product

The act of poaching human resources of competing products between multinational pharmaceutical companies has been an issue once again. The most well-known case is to replace the ‘same position’ of a multinational pha...

In regards to the insurance benefit expansion of high-price antibodies, is it ‘special treatment’ or ‘natural procedure’?

Antibodies are typically more expensive than regular drugs. Thus, a number of patients have requested higher insurance guarantee, but due to uncertainty of their effectiveness per price, antibodies are treatments rece...

What is the background for Kwang Dong Pharmaceutical and GSK to hold hands?

Kwang Dong Pharmaceutical has attracted interests of the industry as it takes charge of domestic marketing of the GSK’s 8 vaccines for infants. A question has been raised that ...

Bayer Healthcare completed taking over OTC drugs of MSD Korea

The OTC drug department of Bayer Healthcare announced on the 3rd that it has completed taking over OTC drugs of MSD Korea, the Korean branch of Merk & Co., Inc. (hereinafter Mer...

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