News About: Distribution
How many emergency household drugs were sold in 3 years?
How many ‘emergency household drugs’ were sold in 24/7 convenient stores for the past 3 years? It was observed the supply amount of emergency household drugs sold in convenient stores increase every year.
According t...
Medium & small distribution companies worrying preparation of serial number obligation
At the moment when there is a year left for obligation of the real-time serial number report, medium and small pharmaceutical distribution companies have delayed to purchase relevant programs due to various reasons, s...
What are lowest margin products financially damaging distribution companies?
While pharmaceutical distribution companies are about to explode their complaints against multinational pharmaceutical companies selling super-low margin products, they have started to pay attention to what products a...
Distribution industry is about to explode due to super-low margin products
Damages led by multinational pharmaceutical companies’ super-low margin products enraged the pharmaceutical distribution industry.
It was criticized the products, while they are high-price drugs, have provided distri...
Great war of domestic pharmaceutical distribution approaching
As large distribution companies, such as Geo-Young, Baekje Pharmaceutical and Dongwon Pharmaceutical Wholesale, have started to maximize distribution efficiency and secure new bases, the great war of distribution seem...
Large Japanese distributions decide to invest in Korean wholesalers
The industry has paid sharp attention on Japanese pharmaceutical distribution companies since they are expected to invest in domestic distribution wholesalers.
According to the distribution industry, a well-known Ja...
50 pharmaceutical distribution companies exceeded KRW 100 billion annual sales
It was observed there are about 50 pharmaceutical distribution companies which made more than 100 billion annual sales last year.
Moreover, their size of business has gotten bigger, but their profitability was analyz...
Zuellig’s supplies with super-low price, complained by distribution industry“Zuellig Pharma Korea supplies its own multinational products with excessively low prices,” the distribution industry complained.
According to the distribution industry on the...
Pharmaceutical industry looking for chance to drop pharmaceutical distribution cost
Pharmaceutical companies have frequently looked for an opportunity to raise pharmaceutical distribution costs for distribution companies.
Although it has not been processed due to the pharmaceutical distribution indu...
Baraclude taken out from Seoul National University Hospital’s internal code list
A BMS Korea’s hepatitis treatment, Baraclude has finally been taken out from the internal code list of Seoul National University Hospital.
According to the industry concerned on the 21st, one of the Seoul National U...